Chapter 22

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I wasted no time in speeding to my room and locking my door. I could hear Henry and Ray walking around outside and talking in hushed tones but I couldn't find the energy to care what they were talking about. I know it's about me.

What I did.

"What did I do?" I whispered to myself as the uncontrollable sobs filled my body. I almost killed a man. And I liked it. I later in bed crying for hours before I heard a knock on my door. I didn't make a move to go unlock it. I just lay in bed crying about that I had just done.

"Faith" I heard Ray say trying to urge me to open the door.

"Come on Faith we brought French fries" Henry spoke softly as I heard the soft shaking of a container. I still didn't respond as I heard the doorknob attempt to turn.

"Faith it's okay. We are not mad at you." Ray said trying to open the door again. I heard Henrys footsteps walk away from my door and I began crying a little more. He is mad at me. "Hey we just want to talk to you."

"No" I said between sobs. Ray sighed softly as he took a few steps. I heard two sets of footsteps approaching and I tenses up. What are they up to. I heard the doorknob rattle a bit more as I hurried my head in my pillow and let my tears fall freely. "What have I done" I ask myself again as I hear the knob stop turning. The next thing I feel is my bed lower on both sides. One from Henry and the other from Ray. "Go away" I asked in which I got no reply. "Please" I said weakly. To this I felt hands flip me over to where I was facing the ceiling and the blanket pulled off of me. I didn't struggle or move. I was still wearing my outfit and I suddenly felt a great sense of shame. I reached down to my belt loop and grabbed a piece of gum. I quickly popped it and looked down at the container. I didn't deserve to be a hero. I quickly sat up and handed Ray my gum. He refused to take it. I tried forcing it into his hand then into Henrys but neither of them would take it. I almost killed a man. The sobs took over my body again and I was pulled into Rays arms. He held me close as I cried and I felt Henry hug me from behind. They both somehow managed to calm me down enough to talk to me.

"Faith it's okay" I heard Henry say.

"It's not okay. I was going to kill that man and I liked it Henry. I wanted him dead. He deserved it" I say and I see Rays face scrunch up.

"We're going to figure out what is wrong okay. But for now we need you to stay in the man cave." Ray said to me and I nodded slowly. I look over at Henry and see the fries he had bribed me with sitting on my nightstand. I reach over and grab them as I see that Henry put the seasoning on them. How did he know? I shrug and begin eating as Ray walks out of the room with a thoughtful expression.

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