Chapter 14

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I heard noise from behind me so I quickly put the picture how I found it and turned around. I saw Ray looking at me and I smiled at him. He looked at me sadly so I speed to him and gave him a hug. He hugged me back almost crushing me. I pull away and ask "are you okay Ray, do you want to talk about it."

"Yeah I'm fine." He spoke. "it was a year ago, I was 19," I had found love and told her who I was she got pregnant and we were ready for a child. I made this nursery as a surprise for her but she never got to see it. I went to get her to show her the gift but in her place was a note. It was a riddle and if I didn't solve it in 10 hours she was to be killed. I didn't solve the riddle in time I was an hour late and the riddle led to a for sale mansion in Grandville."He spoke slowly and I saw a tear slip out of his eye and down his face. I immediately brought him in for another hug and speed us both into the Kitchen. I sat him down on at a chair and began my search for the ingredients I needed for my famous chicken noodle soup. I was missing the broth and chicken so I told him I had to run to the store and I'd be right back. I speed to the local Walmart and grabbed my chicken broth walking to the checkout. I placed all of my items on the counter and looked up to see a boy my age smiling at me. He scanned my items and told me my charge and while I was picking up the bag he handed me a receipt with his name and number on it. Hayden XXX-XXX-XXXX. I looked up and he winked at me I smirked at him and walked out with my bags. I speed home and started on my home remedy for happiness for my Ray... I mean Ray.

( okay I'm going to have a contest to see who wins Faiths love




It's all up to you comment next to the name. May the best man win.)

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