Chapter 15

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The hotel room was dimly lit.

Everyone was snoring softly around her. Even Skipper was passed out in Hunk's arms.

Starlin sat on the windowsill, with Lance cradling her gently.

Earth's moon was large. It was like a giant white hole in the sky, surrounded by thousands of stars.

"You need to sleep", Lance told her quietly. He brushed a strand of hair out of her face.
"Babe, we need you to find Delilah  in the morning. Get some rest."

Instead of complying with his wishes, the princess stated:
"I'm scared."

"About what? You never admit you're scared."

"About everything", Starlin sighed, "What if Ferin finds them before we do? What if he gets his hands on Peter Brandon again-"

Lance cut her off quickly by kissing her, cupping her face into his hands until he felt her relax.

"It's okay", he said quietly, "Just have faith in us, ok? Get some sleep."

She nodded, leaning her head against the window glass and leaning back into Lance.

He hummed her to sleep.

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