Chapter 3: Shanielle Collab

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Danielle's POV:

I unlocked the door and threw myself onto the couch. Shanna should be here any minute. I got my laptop out and looked at my Twitter. I tweeted "New Shanielle collab coming soon! Yup, that's our ship name!" Just then Shanna knocked on the door.

Shanna: Yo Danielle, answer the freaking door!

Danielle: Sorry Shanna, I was tweeting.

She nodded and set her stuff down on the counter. We were doing the What's In My Mouth Challenge. I was really scared, but I didn't think Shanna would do something terrible.

Shanna wasn't that mean at all. The worst thing she gave me was a dog treat. The worst thing I gave her was a sardine. She gagged, and I felt REALLY bad. Once we were done shooting she left.

2 hours later...

Cassidy's POV:

Cassidy: Sawyer, you should come back to me and Danielle's place and meet her! She's a huge fan of yours too!

Sawyer: Sounds great!

Cassidy: Alright, let's go. This party is getting boring.

We were at one of Sawyer's friend's parties. Neither of us were amused by it.


Dani: Hey, what time are you planning on coming home?

Cassidy: Actually, Sawyer and I are leaving the party now.

Dani: SAWYER and you? You're bringing him home?!

Cassidy: Ummm yeah? What's the problem Dani?

Dani: Well, I look like crap, and I wasn't expecting company.

Cassidy: Danielle, I can't believe you. Do you really think Sawyer cares?! He won't bother you. If you really need to, have Connor come over so you aren't lonely.

Dani: Fine.

Connor's POV:


Dani💕😘: Come over! Sawyer and Cassidy are gonna be there, and I need someone to hang with! If you come, bring some food, because me and Cassidy have to get groceries tomorrow. Lol

Connor: I'll be there! I'm gonna bring chips and dip, plus some soda. Coming in like 10 minutes.

Danielle's POV:

"Crap, I better clean up a little!" I thought. I cleaned up the kitchen and living room and then sat down and turned on the TV, putting on Dance Moms. I had changed into sweats and a tee shirt I'd gotten from a 5k I did when I turned 18 once Shanna left, and took off my makeup. I didn't think he'd care, but I made sure I put on a tiny bit of makeup and pulled up my hair in a high pony.

Connor: Hey Dani, I'm here!

Danielle: K!

I opened up the door to see the cutest boy I've ever seen.

Connor: Hey!

Danielle: Hi!

I give him a hug and let him in.

Cassidy and Sawyer: Hey Connor!

Cassidy and Sawyer had walked up behind Connor without us knowing.

Danielle: Come in and sit down, Connor. Want any soda, Cassidy or Sawyer?

Cassidy: Sure, we'll have some. When did we get soda?

Danielle: Compliments of Connor!

Cassidy laughed.


Sorry that it's such a filler chapter. I've been going back and editing, so stuff is getting added, changed, and deleted.

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