Chapter 14: Sick

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Connor's POV:

I woke up, blinded by the sunlight coming through the window. I heard coughing. I went to the kitchen, finding a note from Kayla on the counter.

Note: Hey Connor! Dani is super sick, and she's in the bathroom, where she will be all day. She was throwing up, so I decided to go to Joey's house alone. Also, can you go get Dani some medicine? You know, like Advil or Aspirin. It would be a great help!

Thanks! -Kay Kay

I kept on my clothes from last night, since I wanted to be here with Danielle for as long as possible. I ran to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

Danielle: Y-yeah?

Connor: Hey babe, I hope you feel better. I'm gonna run down to Walgreens and get you some painkillers, okay?

Danielle: Awe, th-thank-

She threw up, yet again.

Connor: Bye!

I grabbed my keys and ran to my car, so that I would be faster to get back home.

30 minutes later......

I got back home later than I wanted to. There was a stupid lady in there who wasn't pleased with the prices in there, so she ran her mouth for 10 minutes. I gave Danielle the medicine.

Kayla's POV:

Kayla: Joey, I hate to say this, but I've gotta go.

Joey: Awww, why?

Kayla: I need to help Connor take care of Danielle.

Joey: Okay. I'll miss you! Love you, byeeeeeee!

Kayla: Bye, love you too!

I smiled, in a cheesy way. He did too. I think he found it cute.

I wasn't going home right away, so I had to call Connor and tell him.


Connor: Hello?

Kayla: Hey! Did you get Dani medicine?

Connor: Yeah, are you coming home anytime soon?

Kayla: Yeah, I'm on my now and I'm gonna stop at Dunkin Donuts, if you want anything!

Connor: I'll just have any donut, it doesn't matter which kind. No coffee though, I'm not in the mood for it. Thanks!

Kayla: Yup, no problem at all!

I hung up, drove to Dunkin Donuts, and decided I wanted to go inside and not through the Drive-Through. There was a guy in front of me in line that reminded me of Sawyer. Just then, I realized it was none other than Sawyer.

Sawyer: Hey! We haven't talked in a while! We've gotta collab soon!

Kayla: Yeah, not today though, I just shot one with Joey, and Dani is sick.

Sawyer: Joey? And poor Dani.

He frowned when he said Dani. He still loved her.

Kayla: Yeah, Joey. He's actually my boyfriend now...

Sawyer: Oh congratulations! Don't tell anyone this, but I seriously miss Dani. Like.... You know.... Dating her.

Kayla: Sawyer, she's with-

Sawyer: I know, I know. I'll text you with a collab day. Joey can come to, and Dani and Connor! It'll be one huge collab!

Kayla: Okay! Well, I've gotta go now!

Sawyer: You didn't even get-

I left. I decided just to go through the Drive-Through. Sawyer was just gonna keep asking about Dani.

Danielle's POV:

I was feeling a lot better now, the medicine really worked!

I sat on the couch, wearing yoga pants and a tee shirt, while Connor was with me watching Grown Ups 2.

Connor's POV:

I can't stand waiting to propose. I'd already talked to her father, who gave me his blessing. I had a plan. I was going to take her hiking, during the evening, and I'd propose on top of the mountain. It'd be perfect!

Even sitting there sick, Danielle looked perfect. I can't see why any past boyfriend would cheat on HER. She's the best, and I was lucky to have her.

Connor: Babe?

Danielle: Yeah?

Connor: I love you. I just wanted to say it.

Danielle: Awe, I love you too! You're the best boyfriend in the world.

I kissed her on the cheek, since she was still sick.

Connor: I can't wait until you aren't sick anymore.

Danielle: I know, I can't either, but why?

Connor: So I can kiss you!

Kayla came home with my donut. Thank god, I was STARVING.


Awe, Connor's the cutest. If you like this story, please follow me and vote!

Byeeeeeeeeee! -Mila<3

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