Chapter 15: The Three Musketeers

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2 days later...

Danielle's POV:

I'm definitely healthy again. Connor kept his promise and kissed me. That was great. Today, I went to the mall with Kalel.

She picked me up in the morning, so we went shopping in stores like Aeropostale, Hollister, Bath And Body Works, Lush, and so many more, then we went out to lunch. I came home with so much clothes and a lot of beauty products! Kalel stayed at my place for a while because Kayla and Connor were busy.

Kalel: So, how are you and Connor doing, after that little break up thing with Cassidy and Sawyer?

I had told Kalel about this after it happened, her being my best friend. Now, I told Kayla about more things than I told Kalel, but Kalel is my second best friend.

Danielle: It's actually all good now. I'm glad I kicked Cassidy out!

Kalel: Yeah, I'm glad you did too, I never liked her anyway.

I giggled and so did Kalel.

Danielle: You should stay here tonight!

Kalel: Sure, that'd be great!

Danielle: Anyway, how are you and Anthony?

Kalel: To be honest, not good. He's always really busy!

Kalel teared up. I hugged her.

Danielle: Kalel, it's okay. You've got me and all of your other friends and family. If things with Anthony aren't working, I suggest you break up for a while and then maybe get back together if you can compromise on your schedules.

Kalel: This is why you're a great friend. So, what are you gonna do with that extra bedroom of yours?

I never really thought about that room. It was just kind of there, but nobody went in it.

Danielle: Nothing, why? Wait a second, are you suggesting that you wanna move in?!

Kalel: Yeah!

Danielle: Oh my freaking god Kalel, yes!!!! Yes yes yes! Kayla will be really happy too! We can be like the "Three Musketeers" or whatever they're called!

I started cracking up and so did Kalel, because of how overly excited it was and how stupid I sounded.

Kalel and I called Kayla with the news, and she was really happy too.

Kalel: I'm glad Kayla's letting me, and I'm glad she's happy about it.

Danielle: Me too.

I hugged Kalel, and I thought to myself, "I have the two best friends and the best boyfriend in the whole entire world."


Connor💕: Wanna go hiking tomorrow? Like a date? Lol

Danielle: Yeah, that sounds fun! What time?

Connor💕: I was thinking in the evening so that we could watch the sunset.

Danielle: It's gonna be a lot of fun! Gtg, love ya, bye!

Connor💕: Love you too! Bye!

Connor's proposing tomorrow! -Mila<3

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