Chapter 16: Proposal Day

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Connor's POV:

Today was the day I was proposing to Danielle. I hoped she would say yes because without her with me for the rest of my life I'd be incomplete.

Danielle's POV:

I woke up, and went to the kitchen to get a drink. I suddenly remembered that Kalel spent the night last night. "She must be in the guest bedroom." I thought. I went and knocked on the door, thinking she'd be up since it was 10:30. She answered the door.

Kalel: Hey!

Danielle: I couldn't find you and I was getting worried! I'm going out to buy better hiking clothes, then I'm gonna stop at Subway. Care to join me? Kayla won't be home until 2:00.

Kalel: Yeah, sounds great! Let me get ready and I'll be right out.

I went to my room and put on some super skinny jeans with a cute tight shirt that said "Like a Boss". I put my hair in a donut bun and left my room with my keys and my purse. Kalel was already out in the kitchen waiting. I take a lot longer to get ready.

Danielle: Let's go! I'll drive!

Kalel: Okay!

I drove Kalel to Modell's , and when we didn't find what we wanted we went to Dick's Sporting Goods. I couldn't go to that store without laughing so I usually avoided it, but today, I had to go.

I got some really expensive stuff, like these really good workout shorts and a workout tee shirt. Kalel and I got matching Under Armour sweatshirts, then we left. I was ready to have the perfect date with Connor tonight.

Next, we went to Subway, only because I was trying to eat healthy, and it was the only healthy fast food I wanted. Soon, we were home again, and I was watching Anime with Kalel. I watched it sometimes, but I didn't like it as much as Kalel did.

At 2:00, Kayla came home. She ran in and hugged me and Kalel.

Kalel: Where were you?

Kayla: I went somewhere... With someone......

Danielle: Well?

Kayla: Me and Joey kinda took a mini vacation.

Kalel: Oooo, to where?

Kayla: Santa Monica. I was afraid that you'd be mad Danielle.

Danielle: 'course not!

I hugged her again and she smiled.

Kalel: So I think I'll be moved in by next week. I don't have much stuff, and I won't need help. Also, I..... I broke up with Anthony.

Danielle: That is what was right. I love you Kalel.

She looked at me wide eyed.

Danielle: You know what I meant. As a friend.

I punched her playfully, then went to my room for a nap until I had to get ready for the date.

5:30 p.m....

I woke up and got my newly purchased clothes on. Kalel and Kayla were still watching Anime. How could you like it so much?!

6:00 p.m....

Connor picked me up and drove me to the spot where we would start. Connor was being really flirty, and kissed me a few times on the way up the mountain.
When we got to the top, he pointed to the sunset, which was behind me. I turned around and looked. He didn't look with me, so I turned around. He was on one knee, and was holding a box. I knew what was going on.

Connor: Danielle, I love you, and wanna spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me?

I started crying and nodded.

Danielle: Yes, yes, a million times yes! I love you so much Connor, SOOOO much.

He picked me up, twirled me around, and kissed me.

Connor: I love you too.


Yay is all I have to say. Dubai! -Mila<3

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