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Ummm I don't know how to say this.

Some of you are commenting things that I find rude. Don't question my story or call it cliché. I wrote this, and it took time and effort. Respect it please.

I know I've never been like this. I've always been that writer that is nice. If someone does it again, I'll seriously stop writing Reality Of Things. I've already considered, but I've been nice enough to keep going strong. I'm not going to sit here and be disrespected. Now you may think, oh, that wasn't being rude at all, but trust me, it is when you're the one writing.

Inbox me with questions, or with nothing but a "hey", or anything at all if you feel like it.

Love you<3

Holding On (A Connor Franta Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now