Chapter 17: Enagaged

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Connor's POV:

I was engaged to the most beautiful girl on earth.

Connor: Let's go out to dinner at this fancy restaurant I know!

Danielle: Okay, but I've gotta get changed!

Connor: You look perfect now.

Danielle: I'm in shorts and a tee shirt, that won't fly in a fancy restaurant!

Connor: I know, let's go.

Danielle: While you drive, I'm gonna call Kayla.

Kayla's POV:


Danielle: KAYLA!

Kayla: I can't hear out of my right ear anymore..... Help!

Danielle: I'm freaking engaged!!!!!!

Connor (in background): TO ME!!!!

Kayla: Yay! Connor told me a few days ago that he was going to propose! I'm so happy for you!

Danielle: Thanks Kay Kay! Tell Kalel for me please! I'm coming home to get changed because me and Connor are going out to dinner.

Kayla: Alrighty, me and Kalel will be here, watching Anime.

I hung up the phone.

Kalel: Gurl, I couldn't hear! Anyway, what are you happy for Dani about?

Kayla: She's engaged!!!

Kalel: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

Kayla: I know!

Danielle and Connor got back to the house. Danielle ran to her room, giggling, with Connor chasing her. She shut the door on him and started cracking up.

Danielle: NAUGHTY BOY!!!

Kalel and I started laughing uncontrollably.

Danielle's POV:

Danielle: Connor, you can't come in!

He left to go get on his tuxedo.

I got changed into a really tight and short black dress, which was sleeveless, and curled my hair. I put on my black heels and grabbed a black clutch.

I opened the door to find Connor standing there waiting. I must've took forever to curl my hair. When he saw me, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened.


Danielle: Thanks!

Kayla and Kalel: Yeah, you really do!

Connor and I left, Connor carrying me bridal style through the hallways. He put me in the car and drove to the restaurant. It was stunning! And of course expensive.... But there was great food. I got lobster, and Connor got penne. He insisted on paying the HUGE bill.

Danielle: You're the best fiancé ever. I love you to death!

Connor: I know I am! Just kidding, but thanks. I love you more, though! I can't wait to see you walking down the aisle!

Danielle: I can't wait to BE walking down the aisle. Now let's go home.

Connor: I need to move in with you..... Or you with me......

Danielle: You with me, my apartments nicer, just sayin.

Connor: Works for me!

We drove back home, and I told Kalel and Kayla the news.

Both: Okay, I guess that's fine!

Danielle: I'm going shopping tomorrow, who wants to come?

Kalel: Me!

Kayla and Connor: I'm busy.

Danielle: Okay then Kalel, we can get everything that they DON'T like and everything that only we like.

Kalel: Works for me!

Danielle: I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to bed. C'mon Connor, you can stay here tonight, just take off your tux...

Kayla: Yo, yo....

Danielle: Calm down, he's got stuff under it.

Kalel: Thank god...

Connor followed me into my bedroom, taking off his tuxedo. I was lying that he had clothes on under it. He only had boxers on, but little had I known, he snuck pajama pants over and put them on. I put on an over sized tee shirt and pajama pants. We laid down, and I put my back to his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me. I turned around so I faced him. I kissed him, and then put my face against his chest.

Danielle: I love you...

Connor: I love you too.

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