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People call me Jackie or maybe they don't talk to me in general but like these days I feel like I just need to rant about everything.
I guess my life is well off. My family is stable, I have the best friends I can ever ask for, and my grades are okay, but sometimes I just feel like a complete douchebag. I get really irritated and annoyed very easily so sometimes I get angry. There are people I don't really like, well actually a lot of people. I get that they're trying to socialize with me but it gets really annoying when they bother me EVERY SINGLE SECOND! Jackie this Jackie that...it gets kinda annoying. I know I shouldn't be so harsh but I can't control my feelings very well. Usually I ignore them and run away but in some special occasions I basically have a complete melt down. Sometimes they get really hurt, I can see it in their eyes.
When I sleep at night all those moments come back and I feel very bad. Am I a bad person? Sometimes I wish I can just be alone. No one calling my name every single minute, no one poking at my arm for my attention, no more awkward conversations. It takes almost all of my will power to not to leave the conversation and run away.
So yeah that's basically my rant. I've been holding that in for awhile.

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