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6th Chapter 

We walked into the secret looking room, it was vary dark it felt like I was walking in a dungeon. The market man flickered the lights on and I blinked twice before looking to the left and right. It was okay looking for something that felt like a dungeon. There was a brown carpet, and on it was a rectangular table. There were two couches on the sides and a fireplace in the middle of it all. On top of the fireplace were two goblin statues, one on the right and the other on the left. "What is this place?" I asked going ahead to touch one of the goblin statues.

"I caught my mother walking in here before, when I was about 13 years old. I didn't know what was in it and I didn't care but it's our moms hideout." He said as he sat on the couch.

"Oh, why are our moms so connected any way? At first I thought they were collage friends but it feels like it's more than that." 

While saying my thought I remembered the sene I just witnessed, my mother on the floor surrounded by blood along with Kyungsoo's mother. My legs wobbled at the memory and Kyungsoo came up to me and held my arm for support. "I know what your thinking about and I'm sorry it has come to this, it's surprising for me too, but I'm staying strong for you." He smiled but I knew it was forced.

"A-are we gonna d-die a-alone?" I stuttered and I couldn't help the tears from flowing, the next thing I knew was my head buried in Kyungsoo's chest, crying.

"Your not alone, I'm here for you. Your here for me, were together." He pulled my head up and cupped my cheeks while wiping my tears with his thumb. I forced my smile to him too, he's now in the same position as me, I'm gonna support him forever.

"So are we gonna live here forever?" I asked as I pulled away from him and wiped my tear with the back of my hand.

"Not technically, I think we should stay here until those mad people give up and leave." He assured me as we went to sit on the couch. It was very awkward between us considering what he did back there in the closet. I began to grow pink at the thought of it and shook my head, no I shouldn't be thinking of these things.

"So do you know more things that could possibly help us?" I questioned as he looked back at me.

"Not really, all I know is that your biological parents are looking for you, and it's not for a good reason." He sighed and put his hand on top of mine. "But don't worry because you know I'm always here for you."

I nodded him a smile and sighed back "I just hope they really do give up so we can leave this place." I laid back on the couch.

"Yeah me too." He stood up and went into a room that resembled a kitchen. I didn't bother to walk into the kitchen and stayed in my seat. I'm still unable to grasp all of this. This morning I was just heading to school and now I'm hiding from my so called 'real parents'. If only my mom was here.... I grew more tears but brushed them off with the back of my hands. No, I need to be strong and avenge them, I'm not gonna get my way until I kill the devils who did this.

"You okay?" Kyungsoo sat by me once again and gave me a cup of water. I gave him a sad smile and nodded, I took the water and drank it in one gulp. "Be careful, you could choke." He patted my back and looked back at me. Our distance was very close and I got lost in his eyes. Ever since he kissed me I've been starting to see him as a man, not just my childhood best friend.

"Kyungsoo, why did you kiss me back there?" I know it's stupid for me to ask such a question at this time but I couldn't help it, my mind was throbbing from it. "I kind of lost it and didn't know how to prevent him from touching you, I had to take precautionary measures, I'm sorry if I surprised you." He looked away and I could see the violet growing on his cheek.

"I-It's okay....." I looked away as well. Then we heard a faint scream, a man's scream.

- 6th Chapter END-

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