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21st Chapter 

So before you read I just want to tell you guys that there is a special CAMEO in this chappie. ^.^ Just a little somthing to make up for these bad short Chapters v.v



We were at a cafe and everything came out. From Kyungsoo to Luhan and the most complicated one, Jongin. "So I was always on your side, it was just always in my plan." Luhan said while taking a sip of his coffee.

"How did you know that we were gonna head to Jongin's secret hideout?" I asked.

"Hello? Have you forgotten that I'm your childhood friend, wait no, I'm your childhood best friend! So I think I would know what your move is." He answered confidently.

"So you meant for Jongin to hear you at the door?" I continued to ask him more questions.

"Yep, I was about to knock on your door that time but then I heard Jongin say something about using that basterds phone to call me. So I headed to his room first and pushed his buttons a little so he could point his gun at me and we could make this little sene." He ended with a whip of relief "I'm so happy it worked out." He added.

"Well, your still a genious when it comes to plans, you even contacted Kyungsoo." Jongin pointed out.

"I know right, your awesome Luhan.." I stuck up my thump to show him my gesture.

"I know, I know, I'm too awesome." He dusted of the fake dust from his shoulder to show how 'cool' he was. We simply laughed at him until Kyungsoo spoke up.

"So..... How do you know my name?" Kyungsoo turned his head at Jongin. We all fell silent and sighed knowing how long it'll take for him to understand.

"Well you see..... Jongin came from the future.." I said as I put my hand in his shoulder.

"Haha, sure. And I'm a owl from the forest." He sneered and took a sip from his orange juice. All three of us shook our heads. 

"I knew this was gonna happen. Yah! Kyungsoo-ahh! Didn't I tell you that you'll meet someone new and that he's a little different? Well I meant Jongin and no matter how crazy it sounds it's true." Luhan stated very firmly.

"You guys used to always play pranks on me! What if this is another prank, huh?" He said being stubborn again. But it's true, when we were little Luhan and I would always play tricks and pranks on Kyungsoo because he was just so gullible, but now he's all built up.

"Yah! Aishh! That was how long ago? Even longer before I left to China!" Luhan shouted at Kyungsoo but low enough for only us four to hear.  

"So? Knowing you two, you probably set it up while you were in China." Kyungsoo was still  being so stubborn and we all face palmed. After several attempts at trying to get him to believe us we eventually gave up.

"Jongin don't you have any proof?" I asked hoping he did like always.

"Well, Kyungsoo is a very easy going guy in the future, I thought he was gonna believe me so I didn't bother with the proof." He said with a sigh.

"I guess he'll just continue to be stubborn." I said as I drank some of my frappe.

"You guys! Just stop, your making me feel all weird inside." Kyungsoo said while raising his hands in retreat.

"Exactly, if you feel weird inside then it's because you know me in the future, you even had a little man crush on me." Jongin chuckled and Kyungsoo's eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets.

"I would never like another guy! And when I said I felt weird inside I meant how stupid this whole thing is so drop it!" He sounded pretty angry at the moment so no one bothered to speak up. But Kyungsoo having a man crush on Jongin? I can't imagine it.... And didn't he say that Kyungsoo was the one who brought us together? Geez now I'm curious...  


we heard a beep that made us jump a little in our seats. "You guys heard that too right?" Luhan said while releasing his arm from Kyungsoo, which was on there since he looked scared.

"Sorry, it's from the future." Jongin took out a silver ring and placed it on his middle finger. He pulled his finger close to his mouth and spoke "Hello?" Wait, was that his phone? Danggg.... The future looks cool already..

"Ahh-hem, testing AAAAAAA-EEEEEEE-AAAAA-EEEE." A shouting voice came out from the ring.

"Yah Lay! It's working I can hear you, stop testing!" Jongin yelled back and we gathered stares from most of the people in the room, why can't they just mind their business? Uhh.

"Haha, oops. I got carried away~ So how's everything? Is Haewook safe?" The gentle voice said my name earning a stare from me onto Jongin. He smiled and answered.

"Yeah she's safe, I met Luhan and Kyungoo here as well." Luhan looked interested and surprisingly so was Kyungsoo. Well who wouldn't? There was actually a ring used as a phone.

When the call ended Jongin took the ring off and stuffed it into his pocket. "How come you never showed me the phone ring?" I asked with a pout.

"You know that the basterd traveled time too right?" I nodded my head urging for him to continue. "Well, he knew about this future technology so he set up these things in the building that made anything from the future explode." My mouth formed a 'o' shape then I thought 'didn't he show me that remote?'

"Jongin what about the remote?" I asked while tilting my head.

"Jongdae used the old pieces of technology to make it, so it didn't alarm anything." This Jongdae guy sounds so smart...... I want to meet all these guys so badly now...

"So now that you've seen that transformed phone, don't you believe us?" Luhan changed the subject on Kyungsoo.

"Well I've never seen you guys look so into something........ So I guess I'll believe you." Finally Kyungsoo decides to put on his right mind.

"Good, I thought it'll take days." Luhan added as he drank the last of his coffee.  Just then I felt someone's hands on my shoulder. I looked up and found the person I least expected.

"I can't believe your here!" The guy said to me while still holding onto my shoulders.

"Oh my god! Bambam?!" I grew too surprised and ended up turning around really fast in my chair.

"For a second there I thought you wouldn't notice me." He wiped fake sweat off of his forehead and smiled brightly.

"I would never forget you." I smiled back and asked him to sit with us.

- 21st Chapter END - 

A/N: Hehe so the special CAMEO is BamBam :3 I just really got into Got7 these days and Bamban is crepping into my mind at times. ^.^ 


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