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14th Chapter 

"Yeah I'm in here!" I shouted back through the locked door. Luhan just looked at me weirdly.

"Don't worry Haewook, I'm coming!" Jongin shouted and we heard a loud *Cling* From the door, we took a step back.

"Don't hurt yourself!" I said without even thinking first, why do I care so much.....? Before I knew it the door flung open and out came a running Jongin. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I hesitated to hug back but something came over me and I hugged him right away. He pulled away and cupped my cheeks. 

"Are you hurt?! Did that basterd hurt you?!" He examined my face, my hands and looked down at my bruised legs. I looked at him and gave him a sad smile, even though I couldn't smile.

"I'm fine, don't worry." He sighed a sigh of relief and looked at me with a worried face.

"But the marks..... Their still there." He brushed my arm softly and I tried to say something but words couldn't form out of my mouth, why do you care Jongin, Why?

"Ahh-hemm.." We heard a cough and looked back to find Luhan standing there awkwardly, I almost forgot he was there......

"Luhan?" Jongin said and covered his mouth quickly as if he didn't mean to say his name. I looked at him surprised and asked.

"You know Luhan?" He flinched a little and didn't reply. He looked flustered and it looked like he was sweating.

"Yeah, how do you know me?" Luhan walked closer to us and asked the same question. 

Jongin simply shrugged "I just heard your name through the basterd this morning, I don't really know you..." He said as he put his hand behind his neck.  

"Oh..." I formed a 'o' shape with my mouth. "So don't you think that he'll ask you about the door?" I asked while pointing at the broken door that Jongin broke through.

"I got that covered don't worry." He walked over to the door and picked up some broken door pieces. Luhan came closer and whispered to me.

"So I didn't know you had a boyfriend here.... I thought you would love me forever." He sighed and I looked at him bug eyed.

"H-he's not my boyfriend!" I shouted at him but in a whispered tone so that he could only hear it.

"Sure." He raised his eyebrow and chuckled. I punched his arm and he touched the place I hit him on. "Owww! That hurts!" He screamed out in a normal volume this time. I stuck my tongue out at him and felt something on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Jongin.

"Come on, let's take you to my room." He said in a demanding voice, he sounded irritated.

"I can just go with Luhan so that basterd wouldn't suspect anything from you, he might find you out." He let out a "Tsk" and pulled his hand through his hair.

"Fine." He answered coldly and walked out. For some reason my chest hurt at his reaction, what did I do?

"Uhh, Haewook? You wanna come with me?" He asked as he waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me back from my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh umm, I have to don't I? If I go somewhere else then he might hurt Jongin." I walked out of the door with Luhan trailing behind.

"Jongin?" He asked as he walked by me.

"No I said us." I answered, I didn't say Jongin, did I?

"I'm pretty sure you said that he might hurt Jongin if he finds out that you weren't with me." He said nonchalantly.

"I'm pretty sure I said that he would hurt us not only Jongin."

He shook his head."Whatever you say, at least one of us knows what you actually said." He said under his breath.

"What'd ya say?" I asked as I stooped at the door in front of us.

"Nothing." He opened the door and I walked in behind him.

I went over to his bed and sat down. "So are you basically trapped here too?" I asked as I felt the silk of the bed cover.

"Sort of, when I told him that I deserved to be the one to 'take you' he just kept me in here and waited for today so that I could take you." He came over and sat by me on the bed.

"Oh, but where are you gonna take me? I thought you were gonna help me escape?" I asked while tilting my head.

"That's what I mean, I have a full proof plan and it'll work, 100%." He smiled a mischievous smile and stretched out his arms. He put one over me and pushed me back on the bed, he was on top of me.

"L-luhan w-what are you doing?" I stuttered as he came closer to my face.

"Don't worry Haewook, I'll be real gentle, plus we have to do something while we wait right?" He smirked and came closer, our noses where practically touching now.

"L-luhan..." I wanted to push him off but his weight was all over me.

"No!" We both looked to the direction of the door and found Jongin staring at us. He walked over with a fast pace and pushed Luhan off of me, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door, with our hands intertwined.

- 14th Chapter END -


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