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13th Chapter 

It's been a week since I've been trapped in hell, each other day that basterd would come up with new ways to torture me. He's been slapping, kicking, pulling my hair, punching, basically any form of Physical threatening. And after each beating Jongin would come up to me and comfort me. He's been saying things like

"It's okay, I'll always be here for you." Or things like "One day I'll brake you free and till that day I'll continue to protect you."

Every time he says that kind of stuff the same question pops into my head - Why? Why does he want to protect me? Why do I feel so attracted to him? Why does he make me feel so Ughh? Why?! And each time I try to bring up that topic he keeps on repeating the usual, "You'll be surprised and it'll be hard to take in." Talk. I hate it because the curiosity is killing me more than the beatings I've been receiving. Also last time that basterd said things like "Tomorrow's the day, just wait for it." And kept on repeating the same sentence to me everyday. I thought that it was just the alcohol talking since he's been saying that way to many times, but today he barged into my room and grabbed me out by the arm.

"Where are you taking me?!" I tried to pull away from him but failed, he was way to strong for a guy who drinks all day.  He pushed me into a room and I fell down. Above my nose were some red sneakers, apparently I landed on the bottom of someone's feet. I looked up at the legs and traveled to the persons face, who was eyeing me with a smirk. I got up fast and stood on my feet, he was wearing a blue jacket with a white shirt inside, a pendant that was shaped like a guitar pick, black pants, and red sneakers. 

His face looked as soft as a baby but he looked like he was around my age. He kept on looking at me and it looked like he was examining my face, as if he was judging it. I looked away to avoid his eye contact until he spoke up. "So this is the girl?" He asked as he shifted his look to the basterd.

"Yep, take her, kill her, rape her, sell her, I don't care what you do with her just take her." He replied and earned a glare from me.

"Why the hell are you doing this? I don't want to!" I protested but in return he slapped me. I put my hand on my red cheek and held it, I looked at him angrily and was about to walk out, but he pushed me into the man that we were just talking to. He caught me and I was in his chest. I tried to get away from his grasp but he held me tighter earning a smirk from the basterd.

"Enjoy her." He walked out and I heard a locking sound from the door, Did he just lock us?! I still tried to wrangle from his grasp until he let go, allowing me to run up to the door. I knocked hard on the door and banged on it, shouting and ranting but no one bothered to open it. I thought about Jongin and where he was when I needed him. I put my forehead against the door and just sighed, Jongin...

"Do you feel better now that you've hit the door?" The man chuckled as he laid back on the wall. I turned to face him and found him smirking.

"Why the hell do you even want me? Are you that sick, you pervert!" I shouted at him and he came closer, as soon as he come up to me I walked backwards until I hit the door behind me. He was so close to me and I felt our chests touching, he bent down to look at my face.

"So you don't remember me?" He simply asked. I cleared my mind of the thoughts that just occurred and turned my attention to him

"No..... Should I?" I questioned and he took a step back.

"That hurts Haewook, it hurts." He started patting his heart and shook his head. What's with this guy?

"Why should I remember you?" I still questioned.

"Well for one thing I never thought you would forget about me, considering I was your first crush." He smirked at me once again and I stared at him in shock.

"Crush...?" I whispered as I thought more about my first crush, I'm sure that my first crush was....... "OMO Luhan?!" I shouted as I pointed and looked at him wide eyed. Luhan was my first crush, he was my childhood best friend with Kyungsoo, he was the one who left when we were younger. His mouth curved into a smile and he looked at me elastically

"So you do remember!" He smiled more and sighed in relief, he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.

"I missed you pabo!" I squeezed him harder and he squeezed back.

"I missed you too" We pulled out of the hug and he looked at me with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry that this is the way we get to meet again, but this is the only way I could find you." He ruffled my hair and walked towards the couch, I walked behind him and sat besides him.

"At least I get to finally see you again! But how did you find this place anyway?" I asked while tilting my head.

"Well...." He trailed off without saying anything else, was this another thing that would 'surprise' me? I'm so tired of this...

"Just tell me! I already have one thing I need to get off my chest, I don't need you adding too it." I poked his forehead and he spoke up.

"Alright.... So you know about your biological parents right?" He asked and I nodded my head in response. "Well, your aware that they wanted to sell you when you were little......right?" He asked looking unsure of himself, I simply nodded in a sad way but brushed it off signaling him to keep going. "The family that was supposed to buy you was mine." He took a deep breath and looked at me with discomforted eyes. I could tell he was thinking about the possible things that could come out of my mouth so I patted his back and tried to smile at him, which felt impossible due to the fact that my mouth felt torn.

"It's okay I guess..... I mean it turns out that I wasn't sold after all, and you became my best friend, it's okay now." I nodded and tried to smile more but I only formed a thin line since it was too hard.

"Your still the same." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Did that basterd hurt you more than what I see?" He said while he examined my wounds on my hands and legs.

"It's quite a hell here, I still don't know how I'm still in one piece." I sighed and he looked at me with saddened eyes.

"Don't worry I'll help you escape." He put his hands on my shoulder

"How?" I asked.

"I'll think of something." I nodded and only looked at the door which was knocking loudly. We both stood up and walked towards the door. "Who is it?!" Luhan shouted at the door.

"Haewook! Are you in there?!" I heard Jongin's voice, he's here for me? A smile crept onto my face, even though it hurt, I couldn't help but smile.

- 13th Chapter END - 

A/N: Hehe so I added Luhanniee in here <3 

I hope you guys are enjoying this, I'm sorry for the shortness once again v.v


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