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8th Chapter

When I woke up I found myself in a dark room, I was laying on a singular bed that's pushed to the side of the wall. I couldn't see anything, all I felt was the coldness of the wall. *Flicker* The lights turned on and they showed a red color instead of white, it still hurt my eyes and I had to adjust to see the figure standing before me. When the blurriness disappeared the man in front of me showed a smirk. "So our sleeping beauty is finally awake, took you long enough." He threw a piece of bread to me and I caught it in my lap. I held it up and looked at it weirdly. "Don't worry, we didn't poison it, your father doesn't want to kill you yet." He let out a evil chuckle and left the room, locking it. I stood up and ran for the door.

"LET ME OUT! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" I shouted and demanded but no one said a thing, expected. I banged more and more, shouted more and more, I even screamed at the top of my lungs, all I could get for a response was short laughter from the guards standing in front of the door. I finally gave up and sat back down on the bed. I looked at the piece of bread then back to my tummy, no don't eat it. Even though I was practically starving I didn't touch the bread, it was too much of a risk anyway. Then suddenly my phone stared to vibrate.

I took it out of my pocket and it was a unknown number, but that didn't matter, what matters was that those idiots forgot to take my phone away! I can finally call for help! I declined the unknown number and hurried to call the police. I dialed 911 and pressed the phone to my ear. The only thing that responded was a short beep, and a voicemail recalling "Hello, you have reached the temporary message box, I'm sorry but we cannot be of help." I took the phone off my ear and looked at it, I wanted to throw it at the wall for all I care, why the hell would the police not answer?! I dialed numerous times, but to no avail. It kept on saying the same darn thing over and over again. I gave up and looked at my phone begging it to work, I look retarded right now but do I have much of a choice? Then my phone rang again, maybe It works if I answer? I hurried up and picked up the call.

I picked up the phone and pressed it against my ear. "Hello?"

"Well hello there sweetie, how have you been?" The voice sounded familiar, but not like I knew the person.

"Excuse me but can you help me, please?" I know it's stupid to ask a complete stranger that just happened to call me but I really need help.

"Help with what sweetie? Do you recognize my voice enough for you to ask that?" He sounded happy, makes me think that he's a pervert.

"I'm stuck in this room, I've been kidnaped, please call the police!" I completely ignored what the guy was talking about.

"I know your stuck in a room, I know where you are, but sorry I cannot call the police." He replied and I was about to burst into flames, this guy doesn't know how stupid he sounds.

"Please don't act like this!" I shouted into the phone but quite enough for only me to hear.

"I'm not, it's just that I'm the person who called you this morning, don't you remember?" He asked and I recalled the call I had, he was that stalker I thought about?

"Your that stalker?" I spoke out my thoughts unknowingly, what the hell did I say?

"I'm not a stalker! I'm more than that, for starters I wanted to help you but you shut the phone in my face and it-" before he could finish what he was saying I cut in.

"How come it works when I talk to you, but not when I call anyone else?"

"That's one of the reasons why I shouldn't be called a stalker, my phone is quite advanced and the reason is because......" He trailed off and I raised my eye brow as if he could see me.

"Because what?" I asked harshly, this guy is getting on my last nerve, he's the last thing I need right now.

- 8th Chapter END-

A/N: Sorry if these nonstop short chapters bothers you guys. :(


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