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7th Chapter 

Then we heard a faint scream, a mans scream. I rose out of my seat and started panting again. "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you!" Kyungsoo put me behind his back ready to face what was coming for us. *PLOP* The market mans body fell in front of us, all covered with blood. I squeezed my eyes shut and grabbed Kyungsoo's shirt and held it tightly. He touched my hand and looked away as well. "Come on let's get out of here." He looked at me with a serious expression and intertwined my hand with his, and went running.

We stopped at the shelf and it was already pushed open, broken. And in front of the big mess stood the man that we saw at Kyungsoo's. He was wearing a belt holding guns and bullets. A bandana to cover his mouth, black pants, and his shirt was covered in blood. "Haha, so you thought you could run away from me? I don't think so cupcake." He smirked and walked closer towards us. Kyungsoo held my hand tighter and squeezed it.

"Back away you man whore!" He cursed the man but it didn't stop him from keeping his pace with us. The closer he got the further away we backed. Until I felt a chest I bumped into. I turned around and found ourselves surrounded with other men, wearing the same clothes and giving us death glares, and that's when I gulped. "What the hell do you people want? I'll give you all the money you want just leave her alone!" Kyungsoo protested and shouted at them but all he got was a cheap laugh from all of them and a knife being pulled out in front of us.

"Look here kid, I'm getting sick of killing people that are stubborn, why don't you get smart and move out of the way?" The man came to Kyungsoo and his grip was as tight as peanut butter and jelly. The man pulled Kyungsoo's collar and looked him in the eye. "So far I think I've given you three warnings, I guess you don't know how to take a hint." The man took his knife and put it on Kyungsoo's neck.

"NOOOO!!!" I shouted from Kyungsoo's back earning stares from everyone. "D-don't touch him! Y-ou came f-for m-me." I said with all fear building up inside.

"There we go, the girl is smarter than you." The man pushed Kyungsoo forcing me to hit the ground with him. I cupped his face and asked if he was alright. He nodded and intertwined our hands again. I looked down at our hands and a tear formed. I know that I'll be putting Kyungsoo in danger each and every time we  try and run away. I put my other hand on top of his and gave him a sad smile, mouthing to him that I'll be fine.

"Awww aren't you two cute? I think you can survive without some girl, now come on." He pulled my hand but out of surprise Kyungsoo kicked the man in the crouch standing up fast and running in the speed of light, hand in hand. "GET THEM!" The man said as we distend more. I turned my head while running and saw the men catching up. I sped up my pace and so did Kyungsoo. What we didn't know was the car in front of us. We jumped to the side as fast as we could and landed on top of each other.

"Ahhouh." I groaned and sat beside him while touching my forehead. A man wearing a black suit came out of the car and kicked Kyungsoo to the side. I wanted to run up to him but the man grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, making me stand up.

"Enough games, your finally caught bitch." He huffed in my face and pulled me into the car.

"KYUNGSOO!!! NOOO PLEASE!!" I shouted out with tears running down my cheeks. Kyungsoo saw what occurred and hurried up but to only be stopped and punched by the man we saw earlier."PLEASE NOOOO!! KYUNGSOO!" I kept on shouting and crying, until they shoved me into the car. I pounded on the window but I knew that wouldn't help anyway. I felt a hand squeezing my mouth and the next thing I saw was pitch black.

- 7th Chapter END -

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