Part 2: BTS

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Next Morning

You woke up and went to the kitchen to see Y/S cooking. Y/S always cooks breakfast, because she wakes up earlier than you.

"Watcha cookin?" You asked smelling the morning scent of mouth-drowling breakfast.

"French Toast!" She said very proudly as she smelled her master piece.

"Ooo, yum." You said playfully.

Y/S finished making French Toast and made smoothies as you sat down at the table watching your sister.

Wow how does she do it? I could cook, but I'm disappointing next to her.

"I finished!" She said proudly.

You two sat down and at the delicious food Y/S made. After you finished eating you went to get the mail.

"SisTER, I'm gonna get the mail!" You yelled as you headed to the door.

"Alright, make sure you don't get kidnapped!" She said jokingly.

What the hell?

You walked out and went to the mail box to see the mailman outside ready to put the mail in.

"Good morning." The mailman looked up at you as you greeted him.

"Oh good morning miss. Here is your mail, your a really lucky girl." The mailman said with a smile on his face while you were confused.

"Thank you?" You questioned because you had no idea why you were a 'very lucky girl'.

"Have a good day." The mailman said brightly as he waved.

"...You too..." You said as the mailman left.

You walked inside, sat down on the couch, and looked through the mail. You picked up an envelop and you were shocked by where it was from and by who it was from.

Wha!? Why!? No, no how is this even possible!?

You thought screaming inside. The envelop was from Seoul and guess who sent it...BTS.

You opened the envelop and saw two plane tickets and a letter. You picked up the letter first.

The letter

"Hey Y/N, its me Suga. I read the letter you gave me."

OMG he read the letter?!

"I feel horrible because I would have never guessed a girl that looks so happy like you, would be this way. I'm truly sorry, and I want to help you."

He wants to help me...wait is that what the plane tickets are for?

"In the envelop I put two plain tickets to Seoul. I want you to meet us at a hotel called 'Paradise'. We will be staying there for two and a half days, bring someone if you want. I hope to make you happy, see you tomorrow.

Sincerely Suga"

This can't be happening this is like a dream come true!!

You rushed to your room and started packing for tomorrow. As you were packing your sister came in as she heard you rumbling down the hall.

"Where are you going?" Y/S said with sass in her voice.

"Y/S, pack up we are going to Seoul!" Your sister looked at you confused, but excited. You wanted to take Y/S with you since she didn't get to go to the concert with you. Plus this is better than a concert.

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