Part 12: The Bill

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You got dropped off at the mall by Joel, as you said bye to Joel you ran towards the mall and tried to look for Inès.

Where is she?

Inès, you better not have ditched me!

As you thought, you looked around. Than you spotted her as she waved her hand in the air to get your attention.

"Hey, Inès!" You said walking towards her.

"Y/N, I'm glad you actually came." As you reached her you looked at her.

"Huh? What is that supposed to mean?" You felt insulted and made a salty face.

"Oh, nothing." She said looking around.

"Alright we're here." You pursed you lips.

"Yes, so lets go shopping!" Inès said excited.

"Wow, you seem excited."

"Well ya, I'm going shopping with a friend I haven't seen in FOREVER!" You looked at Inès with a half smile.

"Alright Inès, lets go."

"Ok." You and Inés walked inside the mall, you two talked for a while in between the breaks of going into the stores.

"Ugh! I'm hungry!" You groaned rubbing your stomach.

"Ok lets eat now! Because I'm hungry too." You two went to go get pretzels with cheese.

"Oh my god, why are these so good!" She said with her mouth full.

"Haha, don't be so nasty. Swallow your food than talk." You said smiling.

"Ok mom~"

"Oh no, no mom thing." You demanded.

You hate the whole idea of pretending to be the mom of your best friend, you just didn't like it.

"Aw, why not its fun~" She said playfully.

"Once we finish these pretzels, we are going to go shop more?" You said avoiding the conversation of the 'mom thing'.

"Mmm, uh, yup, yes we are."

"Alright, but don't get me too tired I got some business to attend to later." Inès looked at you curiously.

"What business?" She asked curiously.

"Are you implying I have no business?" You were taken aback.

"No, I'm asking what kind of business." Inès explained.

"Oh, cool." Inès stared at you as you stared forward and ignored the question.

"Yes, Inès?" You said as you saw Inès staring at you in the corner of your eye.

"Come on, tell me!" She said begging.

"It's nothing important."

"Aw, come on."

"Why do you want to know so bad?!" You said annoyed.

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