Part 9: Joel's Invite

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After the strange call, you thought a lot about your situation, and what the man told you.

-How did he know I have skills? -

-Who is he? -

-Why did he kill my mother? -

You thought of telling someone but it'll be to risky. After you calmed down you went to visit your sister. You entered your sisters hospital room and sat down next to her.

"Y/S, hey. I'm so tired, I'm just going to tell you now because I won't tell you when your awake. Moms dead, she's dead and when you wake up you'll probably find out. It was a man who killed her and I have to give the man 1 million by the end of the week, I've never been able to do that. At least without help. And if I don't do it, he's going to kill everyone precious to me, and that means you. I don't want you to die. What do I do? I can't call the police, and I can't tell anyone. I wish you could give me advice, talk to me, laugh, but your here, and its my fault. I'm sorry. You probably hate me. I swear I'll fix this so he doesn't kill anyone else. I promise." After you finished talking to your sister you stayed in the room with her for a little more.

Than you decided to visit your moms house. After you arrived at your moms house you walked in and looked around. On the middle of the living room you could see the blood stains where your mother was killed and the blood stains that dragged out the front door, and from there the blood stopped. He got rid of evidence and you were furious with that, now you don't have a body to Bury.

You didn't visit your mom because of your dad, so you never got to say goodbye.

"This house, it creeps me out. Mom how can you still live here after dad died. Now you too. Now you died here. I'm so sorry, I never came to visit. I regret it. Its a mistake I will never forgive myself for." You said as you walked around the house looking at everything. It still had all the furniture and pictures hanged on the wall. Some were just paintings and others were family photos.

"I hope your happy now. Mom, Dad, you get to be with your baby boy. I never got to meet him. I hope he's well. Sometimes I'd wish that he was born than maybe, I wouldn't have been born. And than I'd think of him and say, 'I wonder how'd you would turn out if you lived.' I don't know if your happy, but either way your lucky."

Before you were born, your parents had a baby boy, his name was Jason. They were happy until he died of an illness. He didn't live long, he only lasted half a year. Than came along your sister, you, and your two brothers. They live together in Los Angeles. Your family split up. They grew tired of the past and left. Before you left the house you took one last look at it.

"I want to watch you burn." You said meaning the house. You didn't feel like yourself anymore, at this point you felt like your old self. When you were 18.

You walked to your car and grabbed a lighter, you walked to the back of the car and got the oil from the trunk. You walked up to the house, went back in and spilled oil everywhere, you got out, turned the lighter on, and threw it at the house. In seconds the house was on fire. You stayed there watching the house burn, you thought the view of it burning was beautiful. It was dark out and the flames were red hot. As you took a final look at the house, you got in your car and left. You felt relieved after burning the house.

That house is gone, I didn't feel like myself, but rather, my old self.

But it felt good.

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