Part 11: The Awaken

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You went to your room. You sat on your bed, and you took out your photo album. On the cover it said "DREAMS". You opened up the album, the album had polaroid pictures that you took with BTS. You were looking at all of them, slowly, enjoying the pictures with a light smile.

"What am I doing?" You said as a tear fell from your face onto a picture you took of Suga.

"What do I do? How am I supposed to do this?" You looked at the photo asking it for help.

"I need you to tell me, am I doing the right thing? Or am I doing a bad thing? Will it matter?" You kept looking trough the pictures.

"I promise, I will save all of you." You thought for a bit.

You closed the photo album and wiped your face. You got up from your bed and got dressed. You wore a jacket, blue jeans and sunglasses. You walked out of your house, instead of taking your car, you walked. As you were walking you reached your destination. You walked into an ally way. The ally way was empty, but there was a secret entrance to a gang territory, called Green leaf. You faced a brick wall with graphite, you looked to see if no one was watching.

You knocked on the brick wall with a pattern. You waited for a response, than the brick wall opened. You walked in, as you walked in, there was another door, but that didn't have a pattern. You opened the door and walked straight. As you walked in the room it was filled with guys smoking, drinking and doing drugs. The lights were dim. As you passed by people they looked at you and whispered your name, but you didn't look back. As you kept walking you walked up to a guy, he was talking to the bar tender.

"Mark." You called out the guys name.
Mark turned around. He looked surprised.

"Y/N? Why did you suddenly show up?" Mark is the gang leader you used to be in, The Green Leaf.

"Look Mark, I need to talk to you." Mark looked at you and tilted his head, meaning to follow him. As you followed Mark you looked around. You would never had imagined being back here again.

You and Mark entered a room.

"Y/N, what do you want?"

"I need your help." Mark looked at you confused, but serious.

"You leave, and than you ask for my help."

"I know, But-"

"Why did you leave? You were one of the best. And now your here, what is it, you wouldn't have come back if you needed help." He said straight forward.

"I'm in trouble. I have to get the job done, before he kills everyone." You spat out.

"Who?" He quickly asked.

"I don't know, and don't care. I just need a million by tomorrow." Mark looked unsure.

"Mark please." You begged. You didn't want anyone to die and especially whiteness it.

"Meet me at the subway station at 10."

"Alright." You nodded your head and walked out of the room. You headed to the door, but before you could leave someone stopped you.

"Y/N?" You turned around and was surprised by who it was.

"Ah, Chris." Chris was your closest friend in the gang.

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