Part 20: Escaped

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Yoongi and Jimin weren't there anymore. They're at their dorms resting. While you and Y/S, only stayed up to remember the moment were everything changed. Y/S laid on her bed made out of blankets she bought and looked up at the beautiful night sky, and you sat on the ground outside, where the moment happened and did the same...remember...but dreamed it'll only happen again.

None of the other members came to visit. Although, they really wanted to, they couldn't. They were all busy working on what they do, but you didn't know specifically.

Next Day

You and Y/S went shopping. You went shopping for furniture while Y/S went grocery shopping, and yes, she went grocery shopping for herself. You didn't have enough money to buy a whole load of furniture, but you had enough to buy a sofa, and little furniture. The rest your going to have to get later when you get more money, but you weren't sure how to do that. You have to get a job, but you don't know what job. You needed a good paying job.

Time skip

An hour passed and you were so tired, you just wanted to go to bed and sleep. You went straight to your bed -you bought a bed- and let yourself fall to the comfort of your bed. So fresh and comfortable, you closed your eyes and you felt like you were sinking into your bed, like your bed was just swallowing you whole.

But the moment ended and it felt like your bed just spit you out when your phone made a noise meaning you had a text. You groaned and got your phone that was lying next to you. You opened Messeges and saw that all the members, Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi texted you, saying to come over to BigHit.

Your whole body went numb. You couldn't believe that they told you to go to BigHit. You had so many questions.

Why do I have to go?

What are they planing?

Why me? Why not Y/S?

Is she going too?

You just had so many, but then you realized that you weren't tired anymore, you still had a little more energy left to go.

You got off your bed and got your car keys. You head out the door and see Y/S also going to her car. You smile at her and yell.

"Hey neighbor!" You wave as she turns to you, she imedietly smiles and waves back.

"Where's my neighbor going?" She plays along with you.

Y/S makes her way to you and stands there while she smiled.

"Did you get a text by all of them too?" Y/S looked confused for like about 5 seconds and then she sticks out her index finger pointing to the sky.

"Oh! You mean the text that all the members sent saying to go to BigHit?" You lightened up knowing that you weren't the only one they invited.

"I wonder why they asked us to come." Y/S raised her hands and shrugged as she shock her head.

"Alright see you there neighbor!"

"See you." You both waved and got in your cars. You both headed to BigHit and parked in the parking lot. The both of you stood outside the building and looked at in awe.

You looked at each other and gulped and walked in. You looked around the inside and made your way to the front desk with Y/S behind you. "Um, excuse me." The lady that was siting at the front desk looked up and smiled.

"Oh! You two must be Y/N and Y/S, correct?" Your eyes widened and you just felt like falling down. Y/S also looked like she was about to faint.

"Uh, ya. Correct. Um do you have any idea why the members told us to come?" The lady smiled brightly.

"Yes, of course, but that's a secret. Go to the third floor and enter the second door to the left and you'll see." The both of you looked so confused yet scared. You had no clue as to what they had planed.

Y/S imedietly rushed to the elevator, you followed behind her. She pressed the button to go to the third floor and the door closed. The elevator stopped and the door slide open. Both of you walked down the hall and stood in front of the second door to the left. Just like the lady said. Y/S couldn't wait anymore as her excitement took over and opened the door. Right at that moment you felt so attacked and you and Y/S jumped as the members screamed 'Welcome Home!'

As you looked inside there were all the members and decorations like: silly string hanging everywhere, party streamers, a banner that said 'Welcome Home', a cake that said 'Welcome Home we missed you', there were snacks and ice cream. Everything looked so perfect. You and Y/S had your mouths dropped open. Both of you entered the room and looked around with smiles.

"Oh my guys...this is...perfect!" She said as she laughed in between her sentences. She ran and hugged the members as did you. "I can't believe you guys did this. Why?" You looked at all the members with a huge smile on your face. "We wanted to welcome both of you to your new home." Namjoon nodded his head. "We also wanted to offer both of you a job here at BigHit Entertainment. So how about it? I know you need a job since you just moved here." He smiled with so much pride.

"Thank you really, but I already have a job in mind. I wanted to continue with my career. I'm sorry, but thank you." Y/S smiled back. Namjoon turned to you.

"What about you, Y/N?" You gave them a shy smile and felt so weird.

"Work here? At BigHit, r-really?"

"Ya, please, for us!" Jimin begged with his cute mochi smile and his cute eye smile. You felt like screaming, well you were just on the inside. You also knew Y/S was screaming from the inside too even though you weren't looking at her.

"Alright, I don't have a job anyway nor did I know what I wanted as a career. This is perfect, thank you guys so much." You gave them another hug and smiled.

After a while everyone just talked, ate and had fun. You were talking to Y/S and Jimin and they told you that they were together. You were so happy for them you couldn't even describe how happy. You were such a sucker for them. Than, you felt someone put a hand on your shoulder you turned around to see Yoongi with a cup in his hand.

"Here, I brought you punch." He smiled at you. You smiled back as you took the cup.

"Thank you." You took a sip from your cup and looked at Yoongi. He looked like he was bothered by something.

"Yoongi, is everything ok? Is something bothering you?" He snapped back and looked at you.

"...Is, everything ok...with you? Nothing is bothering you?" You gave him a light smile and put your drink down on the table next to you. You held both of his hands.

"Thanks to you, I am. You've always been there when I needed you the most even when I didn't tell you the truth. You were always ready to listen. Ever since yesterday, I've felt different, alive, filled of you...I'm free because you helped me...escape..."


Everything flew by so fast. You still remember that hug, that memorable hug. You loved the feeling, you felt emotions. Happy ones, because of him...Yoongi. Who would've known he'd be the one to save you. You no longer felt pain, but love instead.

And Y/S, finally found what she's been looking for, what she's been needing, what was her faith. Her faith, was Jimin, her love. Although, she worried if it was a good idea, she was happy, maybe the happiest girl in the world.

Jimin found her. His faith, his one and only. He found the one person he would share his whole world with, the one person he'd give and do anything for.

And Yoongi, what about him? What did he find? Achievement? Or a new Best Friend? Or is it something far beyond this? Who knows, right?

To be continued...

[Edited: 8-11-17]

[2nd Edit: 6/12/18]

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