Part 13: The Black Figure

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You met the man at the ally way. He said something that reminded you of Suga, because he told you the same thing. He made you question who he was, as you put the luggage behind you, you looked at the black figure.

"Who are you?!" The man started laughing.

"Oh, you want to know who I am? How sad, you broke my heart." He said in an exaggerated voice of sadness.

"How do you not know who I am? Did you forget that fast?" You stared at the figure confused and angry.

"How should I know you? Am I supposed to know you?!" The man made crying noises, they started getting louder and angrier.

What the hell is wrong with him?

What is he talking about?

"You! How dare you forget me!" He said screaming in 'agony'.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Me?! Oh, Y/N, why do you treat me this way?"

"You are sick! Get help why don't ya?!" The man started laughing again.

"Now, leave me alone." You said walking away as you left the luggage behind.

"Hahaha! You will find out soon, Y/N." He said in a creepy whispery voice.

I'm coming home, you will see me tomorrow.

After talking to the man in person, you felt odd. You felt like you've talked to him before, or something similar happened. He made you question who he was, and he even made you suspect Suga. You felt terrible for that, just because he told you something similar to what Suga told you. As you were walking home, you got to the brighter side of the city. You felt relaxed, free. Just by looking at how beautiful the night blends in with the lights, made you take deep breaths, it felt suffocating, but unreal.

You knew that feeling free was impossible for you, that's why it was suffocating. You can only dream, but suffocate in return. Your whole life, you viewed your near future crumbling slowly, bit by bit. You could imagine it clearly. As you got closer to your house, you saw someone walking towards you, you kept walking hoping it was the opposite. As you came closer to the man he passed you, you wiped your forehead in relief.

As you were about to turn to your house, a hand stopped you. You quickly turned around.

"Let go!" You screamed in panick. You turned to the man and kneed him in the stomach.

"Y/N!" You pulled your hand from his and looked at him as he bent down covering his stomach.

"Chris, what the hell are you doing here?!" You realized it was Chris. He was on his knees, groaning, covering his stomach.

"I know, I shouldn't be here, but I just wanted to talk to you."

"Give me a warning, I kneed you!"

"Ya, I will. I forgot you know how to fight." He said in pain.

You helped Chris up and looked at him.

"...Chris I told you, I'm not coming back." Chris looked at you in misunderstanding.

"No, it's not about that." You looked at Chris for an explanation.

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