Part 14: Warm Visit?

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I was waiting in my hospital bed for my sister to come get me and there was a knock on the door, the nurse came in and said I had a visitor, as the visitor entered the room, I saw it was a man.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were my sister, your Joel, right?"

"Ya, you remember me from yesterday?" Joel started to look around the room, Y/S began to feel nervous and suspicious about him.

"Yes I do, by any chance, did you happen to come here with Y/N? She's supposed to take me home today." Joel found what he was looking for and slowly walked towards Y/S.

"Actually, I came here by myself. I came to do Y/N a favor." Y/S took off the covers as Joel got closer.

"That's nice of you, what would that favor be?" She sounded very suspicious of him.

"Just. Need. To. Kill you!" Joel had a pair of forceps in his hand ready to pierce through Y/S.

Y/S throws the cover over Joel's head as she rolls off the stretcher and onto the floor. She stands up and runs out of the room into the women's restroom with a small surgical knife in her hand that she got as she ran out of her hospital room. She hid in the first stall. Joel runs in looking for her.

"Y/S, why corner yourself? This is the end of the line for you." Joel slams open the door of the first stall and sees Y/S.

"NOT TODAY BITCH." Y/S stabs Joel in his right eye and kicks him out of the way. She runs into the lobby running into Y/N.

Your POV

"Y/S? What are you doing out here?" You looked at her confused and worried.

"Look we don't have time to converse! We have to leave before Joel comes back!" Y/S grabbed your hand and started pulling you. You pulled your arm and made Y/S stop.

"Wait, hold on. Joel?" You looked at her very confused.

"Yes, Joel. We don't have time to talk, we have to go!" As you two were about to leave, Joel finally reached you.

You turned around and looked at Joel with an injured eye. Y/S was behind you.

Joel stopped a few steps away from you as he covered his eye. "Joel, what the hell is going on?!"

"Y/N, your here." He said surprised.

"Y/N, let's go!" She tugged on your arm but you didn't move from your spot, instead you looked Joel straight in the only eye he had, you were furious. Joel only stood there, in a tight situation.

"I asked you once, now answer me!" In that moment you really didn't want Joel to be the enemy. You wanted him to be on your side, not against you.

You hated him now for letting him play with your feelings like that, you were actually starting to fall for him. And for what? Just so your heart can be completely destroyed by someone like him? You did a really great job. Now you can barley trust anyone.

"Hmm, do you not know? Is it not obvious?"

"Stop messing around." Joel started walking towards you, but you didn't move. "Do you not recognize me? We talked yesterday." As he said that, you heard a familiar voice like that.

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