♪ Eight ♪

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It rained for the first time the next day. That may not have seemed like a huge deal, but in a town where everyone walked everywhere, it became a pretty big problem.

I stared at the window of the hotel, begging my legs to get up, but at the same time, telling my mind to go back to sleep. I knew Summer wanted to have choir practice today, but couldn't she cancel it because of the rain?

I knew my thought process was stupid, but I was extremely tired. I was used to waking up at noon, but between church and the choir, my rising time lost a few hours.

I stared at the ceiling for a while. I could hear Rich snoring from the other side of the wall. He wasn't even thinking about waking up. It actually was a perfect opportunity to sneak out without playing twenty questions.

With that mindset, I sat up and groaned silently a few times. I glared at my feet, which were under the covers, until they were able to swing themselves over the bed and support my weight.

I looked at the clock and noted that it was almost ten. I didn't want to be late like I usually was, but I also didn't want to rush there. I got ready at a reasonable pace, making sure my disguise was still in tact. Now that I knew there was at least one person who could figure me out, I had to be more careful.

I was starting to become completely used to how I looked now--how Jesse looked. It was almost scary how much I was getting used to acting like him; it was as if I was more him than I was me. I didn't know if that was the point of this trip, but I'm sure no one in Hollywood would appreciate me coming back as Jesse Daniels.

It was strange, though, how everyone is someone, but that can be taken away. We think that we are permanently us, but if you change everything about you and become used to it, are you still you?

These early morning philosophy questions made my head ache. No one told me Jesse was a philosopher.

I went into the kitchen and made a quick bowl of cereal. The only type we had was Raisin Bran, and believe me, I was not happy with that. I ate it without tasting it.

I wondered if I should leave Rich a note, and decided to. I was thinking that he, a worrier, would probably call the cops or something. He was embarrassing enough already; we didn't need him calling the station accidentally telling them the world-famous Logan Myers was missing.

I pulled up my hood before I even got out of the hotel. Even though it was warm, I decided to wear a jacket, since I didn't have an umbrella.

It was pouring, and I could feel the water seeping through my shoes in a matter of minutes. I didn't like getting wet, so I made a dash towards the church.

I got there about the same time as Marie and Vincent. I waited and held the door for them, so my jacket was completely soaked.

"This weather is awful," Marie grumbled when the three of us were inside.

"It doesn't rain much, though, luckily," Vincent added positively. "The weather has been nice."

"Yeah, but I didn't even want to get out of bed this morning," Marie argued, shaking her head. I was glad we shared views on that.

We were the first ones of the group to show up. I slipped out of my wet jacket and slung it over one of the back pews to dry.

"So how do you like Churchwood?" Vincent asked as we waited.

"It's nice," I told him honeslty. "The people here are great."

"I'm assuming you're talking about Summer?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"W-what?" I stumbled on the word. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing," he said, looking at his wife with a glint in his eyes.

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