♪ Thirty-Three ♪

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The morning at mass had to be the most amazing hour of my entire life. It was my second time performing with the group. We didn't have solos or duets; we all just sang together. I didn't want--or need--my voice to stick out. I let the others shine, because they were probably more talented than I was in that atmosphere.

The whole church absolutely loved us. They would clap after every song. Even Rich gave me a proud nod when I caught his eye. It was probably the first time he didn't have something to yell at me for.

I felt better than being at a concert. I wasn't standing out, and honestly, I felt more comfortable that way. We were all sharing what we made together, and I wished that could be my life forever.

As we sang the last song at the conclusion of the mass, I couldn't stop myself from grinning. I couldn't remember the last time I had been that happy, and it felt great.

Like always, many people came to tell us how much they liked us. Some even wanted to join the choir.

I was happy that people were showing interest, but I also didn't want to expand the little group we had since the beginning.

Summer, on the other hand, was ecstatic that people wanted to join. I realized then, that I did what I could for her: helped her start her dream. Where she took it from there was up to her, and if she wanted it to grow, then I couldn't be more happy for her. It all belonged to her.

Rich was finally able to approach and congratulate us without a sarcastic glare in my direction. Things finally seemed like they were being pushed together.

"Hey, I say we go celebrate again," Vincent said, giving William a knowing look I didn't understand at the time. "The fair got to town this weekend."

Summer's eyes widened. "I completely forgot about that! Everything's been so busy."

"I say we go," William said, smiling. "It is a perfect way to spend our day."

"I want to go!" Thomas shouted, looking at his mom for permission. She nodded in agreement.

"I don't know..." Marie said slowly. "I am not really in the mood to be up late."

"What's wrong?" Nancy asked her friend.

Marie looked at her sheepishly. "Well, I couldn't sleep last night. There were a lot of things on my mind."

She looked to Summer and I. I knew where she was getting at, and I felt my stomach drop. It never crossed my mind whether or not I should tell Rich. Did agreeing to be with her count as a promise I couldn't keep? It sure sounded like one.

"Can I tell everyone?" Marie whispered.

I frowned, because there was no way around it now, but smiled and nodded when Summer looked at me. I didn't want to make her upset; I'd much rather be yelled at by Rich ten times over.

"I was thinking about Jemmer for one thing!" Marie explained.

The group looked around curiously, including Rich, who was standing awkwardly to the side the whole time. Marie's words peaked his interest, though, and he seemed to inch closer to us.

"Jesse and Summer are going together now!"

I dared myself not to look at Rich, and instead focused on the faces of the group. Most of them were not surprised, because they heard about the date. They were bound to find out anyway, according to Leo.

A chorus of 'aw's' went through, but I didn't hear one coming from my right side where Rich was standing. How odd.

"So, we have a lot to celebrate!" William said. "I say we go to the fair today."

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