♪ Thirty Seven: Part 2 ♪

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I found Rich alone by the food before I had to go perform on stage.

"You look like you're in a better mood," he commented.

I smiled. "It's going a lot better. It's a lot more fun than anyone said it would be, and they were making it seem pretty great."

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I never thought you'd be having fun at something like this."

"I'm surrounded by amazing people having a great time. You should let yourself go a bit."

"A month ago you were different."

I looked at him curiously. "Where is this coming from, Rich?"

"No where."

I shook my head slowly. "Well, you're the one who keeps telling me I changed. I'm glad I did."

"But you realize...?" He shook his head. "Never mind that. You are a different person. And I hope you are looking back and realizing what you did in the past was wrong."

I frowned. "I don't know why we're talking about this, but no. I don't regret everything I did, because without it all, I would have never came here. I'd still be back in that life I want nothing to do with."

He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again. His expression turned concerned. "Logan, why were you fighting with those boys?"

It seemed like the question had been gnawing at him since we arrived in Churchwood.

I eyed him hesitantly before speaking. "You still wouldn't understand, Rich. Anything I say, you'll classify it as a me being dumb and seeking attention."

"Try me."

I took a deep breath. "I told you this before, but I guess I'll say it again. I was tired of that life. Exhausted. I needed ways to get out of there. Even if just for a moment."

"So you took up starting fights as a way to blow your steam?"

"Those guys deserved it!"

"Can you tell me why?"

"They were being jerks to this kid," I muttered. I didn't want to relive that day to someone who would just never get it. "I didn't even know him, or the other guys, but I felt like I should do something. Honestly, I wasn't even that concerned about the kid, I was just in a bad mood and needed to get it out."

His expression softened. Before he could say anything, Summer came up behind me and told me it was time to sing.

We got set up on the stage while everyone mulled around after the impromptu dance session. The group was extremely excited to finally be singing the songs we had worked so hard on.

"This is it!" William said, clapping his hands together. "Let's show them what we've got."

Eagerly, we got into our spots. Summer stood in front of the microphone, and waited for everyone to quiet down.

"Hello everyone," Summer greeted. "I just wanted to introduce our group before we begin. Many of you may know us from church, and that's what we've always planned on doing. I never thought we'd have a chance to perform right here at the party!" She paused as people clapped. "I really hope you all enjoy our songs today. We are always looking for ways to expand our group. Anyone is welcome."

I watched her as she stepped back, a permanent smile on her face. I had a feeling that after today, there would be tons of people wanting to join. And despite everything, I was excited.

They clapped again as she stepped back into the formation we were in. She looked over at Vincent who nodded once and began playing the notes.

Everyone was silent as we began singing. How we sounded almost gave me the chills. We had been getting better each time we sang, but that was definitely our best. The others felt this, too, and the confidence in their singing rose to the max.

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