♪ Twenty-Nine ♪

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"Logan, can you run to the store and get those things on the list by the microwave?" Rich asked as I shoved cereal into my mouth.

After I nodded, he grabbed his keys off the counter.

"Where are you off to?" I asked him. We had barely used to car since we got here.

"We're having a meeting about the contest," he told me, like he knew I didn't care. "When's the choir practice today? Where you're going to see Summer?"

"Three," I mumbled, glancing at the clock to see it was only twelve. I had a while, thank goodness. I was not at all ready to ask her on the date.

"Well, good luck," he said, winking.

"Thanks," I said back, trying not to seem nervous. "By the way, do you know any good restaurants around here?"

He shrugged. "I know about as much as you. Just ask around. I'm sure there has to be one."

I nodded slowly, thinking of people I could ask. It was so easy back in Hollywood; some model or actress would be introduced to me at a party, we'd plan to meet at one of the trillion fancy restaurants, and then we'd barely see each other after that. This, was extremely different, and I was not nearly as confident.

"It's so weird seeing you freak out about this," Rich said, voicing my thoughts. He seemed brutally amused, which made me glare at him. "It reminds me you are just human, and have a heart made out of more than money."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, Rich," I said sarcastically.

"But seriously, Mr. Girls-Are-Knocking-Down-My-Door isn't used to this," he said, shivering. "It must be endearing for her."

"Okay, bye now!" I said, waving him out of the kitchen. He gave me a look before finally leaving the hotel.

I sighed when he was gone, and got up to clean out my bowl. Rich was right about my nerves being weird. I wasn't supposed to really be worried. I guess I wasn't really supposed to be Logan anyway.

I changed quickly, and grabbed the list out of the kitchen. It was short, just having the basic things on it.

I really hoped someone could tell me where I should take her, but I didn't really know who to ask anyway. I didn't think that asking anyone in the choir was a good idea. They'd probably freak out and tell her. I didn't want her to have any clue that I was going to ask her, because then she might have too much time to think about it like I did.

The first person that came to mind was Leo. He was my closest friend here besides Summer, and really was the only one I could trust. The only problem was, I had no clue how to find him.

I didn't think he'd be wandering around the grocery store. I did usually see him at the café each time I went, so I decided to check there before going to the store. Although my chances were slim of seeing him there, it was my only option. I wished I had his number or something.

I was more than relieved when I saw him sitting alone in the corner of the café. He stared at the table, and looked awfully upset.

"Hey," I said when I approached him.

He looked up, startled. "Oh, it's you," he replied, smiling. "Hi Jesse."

I didn't even know how to ask my question now that I had found him.

"You can sit," he told me. "Ty's not coming."

I pulled out the chair and sat across from him. "Are you guys alright?"

"No, and we never will be," he said. "But it doesn't bother me anymore."

"That stinks."

"It's life," he responded, shrugging. "When bad things happen, you just got to look the other way to see the good stuff."

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