Sittin' in a Tree

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A year has gone by since I first met Bo. Once a quiet, awkward boy, he came out of his shell a bit. Even though we're still eachother's best friends, he's definitely become more open. He even grew a few inches, so he's only about half an inch shorter than me. He still had his dorky metal framed glasses, which for some reason made him look shorter. Bo still had the best sense of humor out of any fifth grader in our school. We had made some new friends, as the dodgeball to the face situation was a huge conversation starter. In our little "clique" we had Joe, he was the one that looked up to Bo. He tried really hard to be just like him. There was Amelia, who was Joe's twin sister. She was the opposite of Joe. She was zany and was never afraid to be herself. Then there was Alex. He was the crazy, wild one. He was funny, but unlike Bo, he was always out there, making outrageous comments during classes and never paying attention.

It was the day before Spring Break at Hamilton Elementary School. All the kids were being crazy, yelling nonsense and basically paying no attention whatsoever during classes. It was recess and out group was hanging out by one of the trees out in the field. We'd go out there and just be ourselves. A bunch of crazy kids.

That day, everyone else had gone to play soccer, so it was just Bo and I. We weren't being crazy, we were just sitting next to the tree talking. "Hey K?" He asked. K, was my nickname. Short for Kacie.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Well... I found out some bad news last week. I didn't know when to tell you." He blushed as he looked down at the dirt and started drawing circles in it with his finger. Oh God... What's he going to say? "Um... I'm..." He stopped to take a deep breath. "I'm switching schools..." My heart sank. "My parents signed me up for a Preparatory School..." I looked down at his hand, tearing up a little bit. "Yeah... Um... St. John's. It's a, uh, Roman Catholic school. I'm really not one for religion so, I have a feeling that these next years are going to be terrible. I'm really sorry." I reached down and grabbed his hand. He jumped at first, but eventually intertwined his fingers with mine. I rested my head on his shoulder, letting out a tear.

I took a deep breath. "God." He did the same. I could feel his shoulder move as he rested his head on mine. "How will I manage? The group won't be the same with you gone."

"I know." He said. "But I'll be here for the rest of the year."

"That's only like, 2 months though." I replied.

"Yeah... I know. It sucks." He said.

"Will we be able to see eachother?" I asked, another tear trailing down my face.

"Yeah. Hopefully. I mean, not at school, obviously, but I'll come visit you as often as I can.

He reached over and grabbed my hand again. Why do you decide to do this now?

"Bo..." I started. He cocked an eyebrow. "Umm..." I took a deep breath. C'mon. Just come forward. Don't be a coward. "Bo... I like you. Like, like you like you... I don't want you to leave. I'm really going to miss y-" He pulled me in for a tight hug, making me unable to move my arms. His head rested on my shoulder, while mine was pushed against the side of his face. I squirmed my arms out and wrapped them around him as tight as he had his around me.

"I do too..." Is all he said. Just then a soccer ball came zooming past us and Troy, a kid who was always mean to everyone walked by to grab it. We tried as quickly as we could to get out of the hug, but we were too late. He grabbed the ball, and turned around to see us. He didn't say anything he just smirked and walked away. We gave eachother worried looks as we stood up, walking back over to the doors to go inside. "So..." he started. "What do you think he's going to do?"

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