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Once we were on the road, Bo said to me, "Hey." I looked over at him to see him smiling. "Open the glove box.

I hesitated a bit as I reached for the handle. I pulled it down and an avalanche of assorted CD's fell to my feet. He laughed obnoxiously as I picked all of them up. "Why?"

He laughed a bit longer, and once he stopped, he said to me, "Pick one!"

I looked at my hands. There must have been thirty just there. Not to mention the fact that there must have been another forty in the glove box still. "Why do none of them have cases? They're going to get soooo scratched up!" I gathered them up into a neat stack and set them carefully in the glove box again, grabbing a random one before closing it. I looked at the shiny piece of plastic in my hand. "Toxicity. System of a Down." I stared. I looked over at Bo, who was focused on the road. I sneakily slid the disk in and turned the volume up. Prison Song began to play, and Bo jumped a bit at the first note. "You picked this?" he said, laughing.

"Well duh!"

"I had no idea you had such a good taste in music!" He said, lightly smacking my thigh.

"Honestly," I started. "I picked it randomly out of your wild and organized assortment of CD's."

"HeY! It's my system. Don't judge."

I shrugged as I turned up the music a bit more.


We went through another CD, but the drive seemed much shorter than it actually was. I've never had so much fun driving around. Finding parking was easy though expensive (parking in a ramp is a pain in the ass).  He took my hand as soon as we were out of the car, and we walked for a bit. It must have been about an hour of window shopping until he pointed out that he was getting hungry. We went to this small little diner, he got a burger and waffle fries, and I got clam chowder with regular fries. after we ate we made our way over to the door and walked a little while to the car. We only had five minutes left on the parking meter, which I said was a miracle. He didn't agree, but we continued into the frigid car. We drove around a bit, and by the time e took another break, it was almost two o'clock. We found another strip of stores and blew some times browsing them, and even buying a few small souvenirs from the day. We found a Michael's, and spent another hour looking at art supplies. Then we went to a thrift store and tried on clothes we liked but admitted we would never wear. Another hour. Finally, we realized we were hungry again and went to get some food at a local restaurant. We sat and talked for yet another hour and a half, and by the time we paid the bill, it was almost 5. I huddled up in my jacket as we strolled through the dimly lit Boston streets. A light dusting began to fall from the dark sky, and they landed delicately in Bo's hair. He occasionally shook them out and I would get sprayed with the mist. We made it back to the car and just sat and relaxed for a few minutes. His cold hand grabbed my cold hand and I squeezed in response. We turned at the same time and made eye contact. We both smiled and I placed my warm lips on his freezing cheek. He laughed a little bit and started the car. 

"Today was great."  I said through the hum of the engine. 

"I agree." he said as he pulled out of the parking spot and started driving through the bustling city. "This city is so beautiful."

"I know."

"Thank you for convincing me to do this. I really needed a roadtrip." 

"You're welcome." I smiled and looked over to him, and I don't think he noticed, but he was smiling too. 


Once we got back to Hamilton, he dropped me off at my house. He walked me in and my mom greeted him with a "Hellooo!" and a big hug as usual. He gave me a hug and drove home,  while I stayed up for a bit and told my mom about my trip. I went up to bed and plugged in my phone, turning on the screen, I read the text Bo had sent me less than a minute ago: 

"I love you, let's do that again sometime :)". 


okay okay. Before you say anything about how long it's been, I just want to say how bad the year has been for me. School is wack, a lot of family and friends issues, and I've just been so busy with classes and the summer was packed with travel and concerts and family as well. I do fully intend to continue this story more often, because as I was writing this chapter I remembered how much I loved doing it. 

Anyway, i have to get back to LeArNiNg. 

-P&B <3 

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