Tie-Dye Shirt Kid

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We arrived at the game about twenty minutes early and met up with the rest of them at the gate. We decided to go walk around the vacant soccer field until the game started. We found a small, empty set of bleachers and took up the corner. Hailey, Mayzie, Kaitlyn, Bo and I took up the remaining time sitting and just having an "adult conversation" talking about comedy and for some reason musicals. I brought up the musical Rocky Horror Picture Show, which was my favorite one. Bo, who was a so-called "musical nerd" had never heard of it. Over the last few months I had spiked Kaitlyn, Hailey, and Mayzie's interest in it, which was a very proud moment on my end. 

Football was never my Forte, but since my brothers graduated and stopped playing, I really didn't care. Since I had some friends on the colour guard team, I enjoyed the halftime shows. We listened to the school's advanced choir sing the national anthem, and after that Kaitlyn pointed out that she was hungry. I felt my stomach grumble at the though of a pretzel, and agreed with her. I left Bo behind with my friends while Kaitlyn and I went to the concession stand to soothe out stomachs. "Hey, where's Brady?"

"Oh. I broke up with him." She responded, as if I was already supposed to know it. 

"Seriously?" I asked, giving her arm a gentle slap. 

"Yeah. But honestly I couldn't care less." 

"I don't understand how you can be so calm about it." I said, laighing.

"Eh. I just wasn't really that attached I guess." She responded, shrugging. 

We got to the concession stand and I bought a pretzel. She bought a bag of popcorn and some sour Skittles, and we made our way back to the group. I smiled when I saw them all getting along, as if they were close friends. It made me feel really happy to have my friends finally like my boyfriend. We sat down and talked for a good 15 minutes, until we realized that everyone was sitting down in the stands. Since we all tried our best to avoid people, we all got up as a group and decided to take a lap around the stadium and sneak past the barriers so we could all go lay down and get a better view of the game from the high-jump mats. We watched the Colourguard team practice their routine, and we hardly payed any attention to the game. We got a little distracted by the people around us, and before we knew it, there was five minutes left of the game. 

"We should probably start walking over." I said. "My mom is bringing us home, but she's getting us at the Freshman building because of the traffic."

"Damn, okay." Kaitlyn said. We all hopped off of the mat and quickly made our way out of the stadium, and began walking over to the other building. We were al out of breath by the time we were halfway to it, so we decided so slow down and take a short break. Se sat on the curb, and caught our breath. Kaitlyn and Bo were on either side of he, and they both linked their arms with mine in sync. I didn't bother telling them though. We waited until we heard the final alarm go off, and we kept walking. 

We got there, and my mom wasn't there yet. We walked over to the large, out-of-place tree and climbed it. We all tohught that the branches would break since the tree was half dead. We sat in the tree and looked up at the starry sky, and just took in the moment. Almost ten minutes went by before we heard a car horn blare, and my mom waved through the dim light inside of the car. We all piled into the car, and since Kaitlyn was the second tallest one there, she sat in the front. We barely had room to breathe, and the ride home got very claustrophobic, and one we gt to the house, we all went up into my room. Mayzie, Kaitlyn, and Hailey sat on my bed, Bo took my office chair, and I sat on the floor, leaning against my dresser. 

"So, what do you guys want to do?" I asked the group. They all shrugged, except for Bo.

He looked at me with a smile on his face. Oh, no... "Let's build a fort."

Mayzie let out laughed, but once she realized that nobody else was laughing, she stopped. 

"That's actually a good idea." Kaitlyn said in response. 

"I can go into my basement and turn on the heaters and we can do it down there." I said, getting up.

"Your mom won't care?" Mayzie asked.

"Pshh.. She'll be asleep. She won't even know until the morning. C'mon, let's go."  I said. "You guys, go find all the blankets you can. I'll go set up the heaters so we aren't actually freezing tonight."

"Spoon for warmth!" Kaitlyn yelled out the door as I left. I shook my head in response. I made my way into the cold basement, and the temperature change was so drastic, I almost immediately regretted afreeing to sleep there. I shuffled along the shag carpet until I got to the first heater. It was small and didn't come up past my knee, so I'd need to get another one. I went into the laundry room and dug one out from the moutain of tupperware. I Set it on the other side of the room, and turned that one on as well. The basement should be bareable in about twenty minutes with both of these on. I went back upstairs, but on my way back to my room, my mom decided to ask me some questions.

"Watcha' doooin'?" She teased. 

"Nooothin'" I responded in the same mocking tone. 

"Whaat, were you doin' in the basement?"

"Um, getting the ping-pong table set up."

"Oh, it wasn't up?"

"No. But now it is, so it's all good."

"Alright. Hey, do you guys want me to go pick up a pizza or something?" 

"Sure, that'd be great." 

"Alright," She grabbed her keys. "I'll be back in a little bit. behave yourself."

"No promises." I said back to her, going up the stairs into my room. On my floor was a pile of blankets almost up to my hip. 

"Is this enough?" Bo asked. 

I laughed, and nodded. "I sure as hell hope so. My mom just left to get us some pizza, so we should quickly bring all of these down."

"Alright! Let's go!" Bo yelled, as he grabbed as many blankets as he could fit into hs arms and ran out the door. 

We al looked at eachother confused for a second, then we each grabbed a fair amount of the, and did the same. By the time we got to the basement, Bo was already sitting down on top of his mound of blankets. I smiled as I wlaked up to him and dropped my stock of blankets on top ofhim. Kaitlyn, Hailey and Mayzie did the same, and Bo just layed under them, helpless. He heap of blankets began to bounce with the rythym of his laugh, and he pushed all of them off onto the floor. 

We set up the majority of the fort before my mom got back. The thing took up almost the entire space of my basement, and wrapped all the way around our pool table. We heard the doors of a car slam as we ran upstairs in a huddle, desperate for food. My mom had three boxes of pizza. "The top two are yours. The bottom one is mine and Bob's." Just after she said that, Bob walked in through the back boor, bags in hand. 

"Hello!" He said, and he dropped the bag on the floor. 

"Hi!" Bo said in return.

"Hey, it's the Tie-Dye shirt kid!" He said. Bo looked downat his shirt ,which was in fact tie-dye.

"I guess that's me." He said.

"I'm joking Bo, I know you."

"Well, you weren't wrong." 

"Alright, Tie-Dye shirt kid. Whatever you say."

Bo smiled.




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