From God's Perspective

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I woke up with my legs up on the couch and the rest of me on the floor.I rolled the rest of me off the couch and sat up. My cat, Bug, came and lied on my lap. I shivered at the cold breeze that flowed by. I looked over at Bo, whose legs were stretched out across the whole couch, enjoying the room. I pulled over some of the extra blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders. Bo shifted and raised his arms into the air to stretch. "Good morning." I said to him.

He looked at me on the floor and said, "Morning." in return. "If you didn't want to sleep up here you could've just said."

"Excuse me." I said to him. "Judging by where your legs are, you kicked me off of the couch."

"Well, from God's perspective, you wanted me to do it ."

"Actually, from God's perspective, you're sinning. You dirty liar." I said to him, causing him to laugh.

"That's rare. Normally you're the one making me laugh."

"Yeah, it's weird." He said, looking out the skylight above him. "Maybe it was God."

"Will you stop?" I asked laughing.

"Ah, I see he's making me the funny one again." He smirked. I went straight-faced and looked away. "Heeeey..." He whined, reaching out toward me. "God, fix this angsty teenager please."

"You're a teen too!" I said, looking back at him.

"Huh..." He said, pausing. "Maybe God doesn't exist."

"What makes you say that?"

"It didn't work..."

"Hey!" I said, smacking his leg.

"Ah. Fine... You're not that angsty." 

"Good enough..." I glared at him. He looked back down at Bug, my cat, and was very into it. I laughed when  I saw it. 

He looked up from her. "What?" 

"If you want my cat, you can't have her." 

"Damn. You caught me." 

"Hah!" I said. 

I apparently said it too loud, because it woke up Hailey. She adjusted and woke up Kaitlyn on accident. 

"Well, good morning." Bo said to them. They ignored the comment, and immediately closed their eyes again. 

"Hey!" I yelled, grabbing a pillow from the couch and throwing it at them. They opened their eyes again, and did the same stretch that Bo did when he woke up. "I'm out of pillows. Next thing is gonna be Bo." 

"What? No!" He said. They both laughed. I grabbed his leg and pulled it like I was strong enough to throw him even though I wasn't. Bug got scared and jumped away, pushing off of his stomach and making his groan. 

"If you're going to steal her one day, you have to get used to that." I said to his, letting go of his leg. He kicked up, which pulled the blanket off of my shoulders, exposing me to the cold air. I quickly lifted my arms, catching the blanket before he could take it away from me fully. "Ha!" I said as i wrapped it around me again. We sat there for a few seconds in silence. I looked up at the clock and the hands read 9:41. "Kaitlyn, are you hungry?" 

"Why me?" She asked, turning her body to look over at me. 

"Because you're the one who's always hungry." I replied. 

"True." She admitted back. 

"So..?" I hinted. 

She sighed. "Yeah..." 

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