filler chapter??? (short but cute)

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Bo packed up a small bag and threw in some random snacks: pop tarts, chips, a few bottles of water, and he shoved his wallet in there too. He made his way back up into his room to find me sitting at his piano reading some of his sheet music. "W-what are you doing?" He said frantically, dropping the bag and coming over to me. 

"I'm just reading what you have done. It-" I said in response. 

"But why?!" 

"I don't know... I'm sorry. They're really good if that eases your mind." 

"It really doesn't." He said to me, looking cross as he shoved the papers into a drawer. I drooped my head and stared down at my lap, my mind was blank. I suck... Bo took a deep breath, and came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "I'm sorry... You just know that I'm kinda self-conscious about my music and stuff."

I didn't say anything for a few seconds. "You should post one..." 


"It's been a really long time... I've heard you perform before, Bo."

"I'm just not re-"

"I promise you'll do good... You should post 'my whole family' or whatever. It's good." 

He was speechless for a few moments. "I'm gonna go hop in the shower really quick." He grabbed his clothes and left.

I sat there silent until I heard him start the shower and shut the door. I snuck toward his door and opened it, seeing nobody but his mom who looked as though she had just woken up. "Good morning Mrs. Burnham."

She jumped and turned around to face me. "Oh, you scared me. Good morning Kacie." She said, in the midst of a laugh. She went down the stairs and I slowly closed the door to Bo's room.

 I scurried over to the drawer that he put the papers in and came along a song called "A Love Ballad". At the top of the sheet, it had a small humourous commentary that joked about pedophilia, puberty, and yet another reassurance that he was straight. hmm. I giggled at the writing and read through the lyrics. "She got me with her looks. She got me with her stare. Bright blue eyes ad her long blonde hair. From the start it was easy to see, this was the girl for me... Who cares if she was 83?..." I cracked a huge smile and another small giggle escaped my mouth. "She could make me silent, she could make me shout, and she drove me wild with those dentures out." I laughed and placed the paper onto his keyboard. I grabbed the next sheet, and read the top, and it said "My 'Little' Secret". I read the beginning and most of the middle but put the papers away before I read the rest of it since I was feeling guilty. I put all of the papers back where he had shoved them, and played random riffs on his keyboard. I played for only a minute until I remembered that Bo could record the music through his keyboard. I scanned through all of the buttons until I found the one labeled 'all playbacks'. I pressed it and almost immediately it began playing. I listened through one or two songs until I realized Bo would be out of the shower soon. I took a final glance of the sheets of paper to see if he had anything new done. I saw a few, but just to be safe I shoved them messily back into the drawer. I sat on his bed and flopped onto my back, looking at the ceiling with a blank mind. 

After a few minutes of just laying there, Bo came into the room, his wet hair drooped over his face. 

"Woah. Okay. Emo Bo incoming." I said to him. He looked at me confused, but glanced up at the fringe hanging over his eyes, and gave off a little smirk. 

He pushed the wet mass over to the left side of his head and shot me a serious expression. "Nobody understands me." He said, in a deep raspy voice. 

I laughed and so did he, as he shook his head to get the hair back to semi-normal. "Damn I need a haircut." He said. I  looked at his hair and noticed that it was rather long. 

"Do whatever, you know I like it anyway," I said to him. 

"Oh, so if I shaved one side completely and the dyed it rainbow you would still like it?"

"Sure, why not?" I said, causing him to give me a strange look. 

"Well, I'm not gonna. So don't get your hopes up."

"AW. Okay." I smiled. He's so cute. He stretched his arms up into the air and let out a big groan. 

"ALRIGHT!" He yelled. "Let's do this. Let's go." 

"Sir, calm down. Let me grab my things."

"TaKe FoReVeR." He said to me. I glared as I put my cell phone in my hoodie pocket, and grabbed my wallet from my bag. I walked over to the door, where he was standing, but before I could leave he pulled me into a tight hug out of nowhere. "I'm sorry about earlier..." 

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." I replied, wrapping my arms around his back. He let out a deep breath and placed his head on top of mine. "Bo, seriously. We're gonna go have a fun day. Don't let that get you down." I pulled away and placed my hands gently on his face. Standing on my toes I placed a kiss on his lips for a second or two. I pulled back, and he smiled at me.

He yelled, "ALRIGHT!" again. It was clear that I made him feel a little better. 

He slung the backpack over his shoulder and I grabbed one of his jackets. He did the same and we were on our way. "Mom, Kacie and I are going out for a while! We won't be back till later tonight."

We heard her yell, "Okay kids, have fun! Be safe!" From the kitchen. We turned and smiled at each other, and he said, "Last one to the car has to buy lunch."

"You're on," I said to him, as I went on a dead sprint to the small car. He followed behind me, and then when I was only 20 or so feet from the car, I slipped on the fresh powdery snow, landing straight on my ass. 

"Oh god. Are you okay?" He said, offering me his hand.

I groaned and took it, getting back up to my feet. "Yeah. I'm fine." 

He laughed nervously, and so did I. There was a brief moment of silence, until I began running to the car once again. 

"Seriously?!" He yelled, laughing and running as well. 

I tapped the top of the car with palm and laughed histerically. He just stared. I put on my best serious face and said, "Thanks for helping me up." He shook his head and smiled, as he walked to the drivers side of the car. "You love meeee." I mocked, as I got in the passengers side. 

He looked over at. "Yeah. I know." 

HOOWEE okay i typed most of this after my history exam and i feel empowered. thanks for reading!!! actual road trip chapter coming soon?????

-P&B <3 

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