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"So, Bo." My mom said, as she handed Bo and I our plates.

"Yeah?" He said, shyly taking the plate from her.

"What made you decide to switch to a Catholic school?" She asked, handing me my plate as well.

"My parents..." He said as he looked down at his plate.

"Oh?" She said.

"Yeah..." He started , grabbing a fork and poking at the burrito. "They were both raised very religious and I grew up without it, so they decided that it was time that I received some "proper education" is what they said... I really don't want to learn about the stuff really. It seems... well, stupid."

"Agreed." My dad said as he walked in the room, dropping his coat down on the seat next to my mom and grabbing a glass from the kitchen.

"Hey Dad." I said to him.

"Hey Kace." He looked to Bo, and smiled. "Oh, who's this?" He stuck out his hand for a shake. Bo reached out and grabbed it.

"I'm Robert, but everyone calls me Bo." He said.

"Well, hello Bo. I've heard a lot about you." He said. Bo looked at me and I blushed a bit, shrugging it off.

"Hm, shocking." He said. "People don't really talk about me. "

"Well, Kacie does..." My mom sterted. "Quite a bit actually."

"Mom!" I said, looking frantically between everyone at the table.

"I'm not the one who talks about him all the time!" She said, handing my dad his burrito. "I could've spared you all this embarrassment if you didn't have such a great friend." Bo smiled, and looked down at his burrito.

"What's in this?" He asked.

"Oh." My mom started. "Um, beef, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, peppers... Ummm... Salsa, sour cream. Normal burrito stuff. Why?"

"I don't know." He started. "It just seems like there's too much. Like if I pick it up, everything will fall out."

"It probably will." My dad said, this mouth full. My mom playfully smacked his arm. "What?!" He said, covering his mouth to prevent food from flying everywhere.

I leaned over to Bo and whispered, "If it does, just use a fork. Problem solved."

"No way!" He said in a loud whisper. My parents were talking about my moms cooking, so they didn't notice. "I'd rather kiss my dad than eat a burrito with a fork!"

Surprisingly, my parents still didn't notice. "Well eat it, then you'll find out whether you have to do that or not."

He smirked a bit, picking up the burrito he opened his mouth to take a bite, and as he bit in, all of the innards of the burrito plopped out, onto the plate. He groaned and set his head down into his hands.

My parents finally acknowledged us, and looked over to see Bo over a plate of filling laying underneath an empty tortilla.

"I see what you meant." My mom said. "Is it good at least?"

"Yes." He said, picking up a napkin and wiping his face. "What little bit I got was very good..." He chuckled a bit, and with a big smile said, "Can I have a fork?..." We both started laughing, my parents gave us really weird looks.

"What's funny about that?" My dad asked.

"Oh, it's nothing." Bo said.

"Yeah. Inside joke." I said, backing him up.

"Okay..." They both said, looking down at their plates.

"Maybe I should get everyone forks... Just in case."

"I'll follow." My dad said, standing up with her. "I have to go take a leak."

"Lovely..." My mom said sarcastically. They both walked out of the room and left both of us in there alone.

We sat in silence for a few seconds until he said, "Well... Now I'm hesitant to see my dad again."

"Why?..." I said, thinking for a second. Wait. "OH!" I said really loud, making him jump. "Nevermiiiind.... Sorry." My mom walked back in and saw us laughing.

"What's so funny this time? Another inside joke?" She asked, handing us each a fork and a knife.

"Kind of...?" I replied. "It adds on to the joke so..."

"Hm. I wonder what other secrets you guys have." My dad said as he walked back in.

"None really." Bo lied. "Just ALOT of inside jokes."

"And now, because of me, you have one about burritos. Not many people can say that." My mom said.

"Yeah." I said. "Thanks I guess."

I looked over and Bo and saw that he was giving a weird look to the fork. He poked at the pile of insides on his plate. "I'm sorry dad." Will he actually do it? I smiled as he scooped the food into his mouth. I've never seen someone look so disappointed while eating a burrito.

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