Public Humiliation Isn't Funny

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Bo took off the makeup, which made everyone very sad, and then explained that he was practically mauled because he didn't want to wear it. They did it anyway.

We messed around and joked, played another round of Clue (I didn't win that one), and then my mom was nice enough to let us bring down the TV and DVD player too. We didn't let her come downstairs of course because the fort was a secret. We found a way to hook it up inside the fort somewhere we would all be able to see it and still manage to be comfortable. Once we got it all set up I sent Bo and Mayzie on a mission to go upstairs, while I stayed downstairs with Kaitlyn and Hailey and picked up the board game. They came own with huge grins on their faces, which was mildly concerning. They crawled into the fort one at a time and sat down with us. "What's up with the  smiles?" I asked them. They gave eachother a look and set the movies down in front of them. Rocky Horror Picture Show, Home Alone 2, and It. Sat in front of me. I laughed. "That's why." 

"It was my idea. Your boyfriend gets no credit." Mayzie said. 

"I pointed out the fact there was a second Home Alone I didn't know about." Bo said, in an attempt to defend himself. 

"You've never seen Home Alone 2?" I asked him.


"A decision has been made everyone! Get comfortable and I'll go make popcorn."

Mayzie and Hailey got changed for bed, Kaitlyn stayed in her same spot under the blanket, and Bo and I went upstairs to make some microwave popcorn. While we were in the kitchen my mom came out again from her room. 

"You kids having fun?" She asked. 

"Boy, are we." I responded. 

"What movie are you gonna watch?"

"Well, he didn't know that Home Alone 2 existed, so we decided on that." 

"Ooooh. Good choice. Donald Trump is in the movie you know."

"Tim Curry is in the movie you know." 

She gave me a weird look and shook her head. "Go watch your movie."

We laughed and ran down the stairs, a bag of popcorn in each of my hands. 

We went into the fort and joined in on the current conversation, which was about the show Friends. I set the popcorn down and handed Hailey a Hershey bar, because she doesn't like popcorn. 

We put the movie in the DVD player and started it. We all sat in the warmth of the fort and each had our own blanket, except for me and Bo, who were under one comforter. As the movie progressed and the popcorn levels became low, the others began to grow tired. Tim Curry came onto screen and I reached out to him. They all laughed at me, but soon after they finished Hailey fell asleep. Next was Kaitlyn. Then with about 15 minutes left of the movie, Mayie fell asleep. Bo and I were the only ones awake. I looked at him and he was looking down at me. "Watch the damn movie." I laughed. 

"Okay, okay. I'm watching." He said, as he layed back against the couch, taking me with him. I let out a small laugh as he scooted closer to me and put his arm around my back. I rested my arm on his shoulder and scooted even closer. The movie neared the end, and as it did we lowered more and more. We were laying down on the ground in eachother's arms and once the movie was over I glanced over at him, only to see that his eyes were closed. I adjusted myself so my head was resting on his chest and fell asleep too. 

The morning arrived and everyone was awake before me. My leg was on top of Bo's legs and he smiled at me as I sat up. I stretched, my fingertips skimming the sheets above us. "Guten morgen." Mayzie said to me as I let out  a yawn. 

Oh Bo. (Bo Burnham Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora