Four Years of Backstory

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It's been three year since I hung out with Bo, and two since we've talked at all. No social media, which limited my methods of conversation with him. Once we went over six months without talking, I could never seem to build up the courage to call him. We only saw eachother occasionaly at a store, or somewher compltely random, like picking up a pizza.

In the first week of sixth grade, I made a new friend, named Evan. We were close, almost as close as Bo and I, though I knew that it would ever get there. I started liking him, and in seventh grade was going to ask him to go to a dance with me. My friend Lydia, did it for me, which ruined my friendship with her and mamde mine with him weird, which made me know that I would never get to have the same relationship with him as Bo.

My other friend, Briggs, just kinda... faded away from me in the last month of 8th grade, despite being very close friends.

Even though the years sludged by I couldn't seem to get Bo out of my head.

I made through all of middle school, my mind focusing on one thing; would I ever see him again? My mind would go o every single place, in hopes of finding a way we'd be at least friends again. 

At the end of eighth grade, I got my first phone, a Motorola RAZR V3. It was brand new, made in 2004, which made me one of the very few people in my school with a cellphone. THat gave me enough courage to finally talk to him again. I took my new phone and called Bo's house. His mom answered. I asked if he had a phone, and to my surprise he did. I got his phone number and we started talking that night. We talked every day for the next few weeks, until we became more infrequent when it came to talking as the summer went on. 

When the first day of ninth grade hit me, I knew that there was no point in attempting to stick with any friendships. Bo wasn't going to be there, so what was the point? Sure, there was Hailey and Kaitlyn to keep me sane, but that wasn't going to fix things with Bo and I. They were always there to rant to and know almost the same amount of stuff about Bo as I do considering how much I talk about him. There was also my friend Destinee, who I called Food Wife because i proposed to her with a hamburger, but that's off topic. She moved to Florida for the year, and is going to get a HUUGE hug when she gets back (XD).

My friend Chris was always one to cheer me up as well. He was kind of crazy, and took a lot of getting used to, but had no trouble making friends. He was friends with people from other cities even, which made it easier for me to know more people also. I lied him, but he didn't like me back, and I found out he didn't without even telling him that I did! 

Anyway, that's what you missed out on in middle school, though it wasn't very important because Bo wasn't there.


AAAGH! Another short, stupid chapter, but DON'T WORRY! I have big plans for the next chapter. I didn't want to make this chapter, but I felt like it was wrong to skip three years of Kacie's life so... at least something was put in its place. There were also a few shoutouts to my friends in this chapter, because they deserve a part in the story because they are DA BESSST <3


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