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During the first week of ninth grade, I was a lot more impressed than I thought I would be. Locker to my left, I don't know. But the locker to my right, one of my closest friends Chris.

Kaitlyn and Hailey were in the row of lockers behind me, and were only a few lockers apart. So I was really happy wth that.

During the second week of school, Chris went to his locker, then once I grabbed my stuff, he did the same. We both grabbed our bags and walked across the hall to Hailey and Kaitlyn.

"SO!..." He started, causing all three of us to look at him in shock. "Tonight Sean and I are going downtown with another friend from his school. Do you guys want to come with?"

"Umm. Sure?" I said hesitantly. "They were going to hang out with me anyway. Who's the friend?"

"I doubt you'll know him." He said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"Alright. Where are we meeting?" I asked, doing the same with my backpack.

"Ummm. McDonald's?" He asked.

I looked back at Kaitlyn and Hailey, both nodding with eager faces. "McDonald's sounds really good." Hailey said, laughing.

"Alright, sounds good." I said. "McDonalds it is then. Like... 3:30 then?"

"Sounds good." He said.

"Alright. Toodles!" Kaitlyn said, as she grabbed Hailey and I's hands and walking away with us.

"Byeeeee." He called.

We walked for a bit, and since we were feeling lazy, we took the elevator instead of the stairs. In the elevator, Hailey broke the silence. "Aren't you worried?"

"About what?" I replied.

"Well... It's Sean. Anyone that's his friend is bound to be slightly crazy."

"True. But none can be worse than Sean and Chris themselves."

"True." The rest of the elevator ride was pretty quiet, but since that was only about 5 seconds, we didn't really mind.

We walked over to the parking lot, and searched the parking lot for my dads car. It took about 30 seconds to find him, as he was the only car that had a bike rack on the back of it. We all got in and went back to my house. During the car ride, I realized he was clueless about our plans. "Hey Dad?"

"Yes Daughter?" He answered back, causing Hailey to laugh.

"We were going to go walk downtown with Chris, Sean and one his friends, can we go?"

"When?" He asked, stopping the car at a red light, causing Kaitlyns back pack to fall off the seat and hit her foot.

"At 3:30-ish, at the McDonald's in town."

"Alrighty. Be ready, I wanted to ride my bike today."

"Alright thanks."


We got home, and got ready. We got a head start on our weekend homework, and were all ready by 3:25. We sat in the living room on our phones for the last 5 minutes. When we were finally in the car, I texted Chris.

Me: On our way.

Chris: Hurry up bish. We want to go.

Me: Calm down... We'll be there in five.

Chris: Mk

When we got to the restaurant, my dad handed me $10. "Be safe." He said to me.

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