Not Really my Style

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I was laying in bed reading Harry Potter when the phone started ringing. I put the 500 page book face down on my bed and stared down the stairs. The phone stopped ringing and I heard my mom say, "Hello?" Then there was a pause. "Yeah. She's in her room. Hold on. Kacie! Phone!" I walked down the stairs and grabbed it from her. "Ohhh... It's a boy." She winked at me as I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said. 

"Hey!" A voice yelled on the other side, causing me to pull the phone away from my head a bit. I realized the shout was from Bo. "What's up?" 

"Not much. You?" I asked back.

"Talking to my best fried on the phone." I smiled. 

"So, why'd you call?"

"Wow... You already forgot... Um, you told me to call you about camping, right?"

"Oh, yeah. Duh. I haven't even asked yet..."

"Well go do it dummy. Don't hang up. Just set it down and come back for me. I'll just be here... waiting for you to come back to me." He laughed and I did too.

"Okay. Be right back." I set the phone dwn on the counter and ran to my parents bedroom where my mom was folding laundry. "Hello mother whom I love very much." 

"Hello daughter who clearly wants something." She said back, smiling. "What's up?" 

"So you said I could have a friend come camping with me right?" I asked.

"Yeah. Didn't you say Amelia was going to come?" She asked, setting down the laundry and putting all of her attention on me. 

"Well... Yeah. But... I changed my mind." I said. 

"Oh really?" She asked, folding her arms. 

I reached over and unfolded them. "Calm down. Breathe, and hear me out." 

"I'm listening..." She said. Great. You've got her. Don't mess up. 

"Well, my friend, really great, is switching schools at teh end of the year and I want their last spring break here to be really great." 

"Have I met them?  Why are they leaving? Why not Amelia? What's their name?" 

"Wow... A lot of questions. No you haven't met. They are leaving because they are being forced to. I already explained why I wasn't inviting Amelia. And... yeah."

"You forgot one." 

"Really? No.. I don't think I did." 

"No, you did. What's their name, hm?"

"Uh..." I paused. Oh God... C'mon, just say it. "Robert. Well... Bo. Bo Burnham." 

"Oh..." She said, smiling. "Is that the boy on the phone?" 

"Yeah..." I said. 

"Well, of course we'd have to meet him first, but I don't see any problems with it."

"Really?!" I said.

"Yeah. Just one question."


"Can he stay for dinner?" 

"I'll check." I ran toward her and gave her a hug. "Thank you..." 

I ran into the kitchen and quietly grabbed the phone. I could hear Something from Bo's end, but I wasn't sure what it was. I quietly walked back up the stairs into my room, lightly shutting the door. I Put the phone on speaker and listened to him singing to a song. He knew every word to it, and sang it perfectly until the very end. When it ended I started clapping. "Bravo!" I said. 

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