I'm Wearing Makeup...

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We each grabbed a few slices of pizza, and made our way back into the cold basement. Each of us claimed a blanket and sat in a circle on the floor. Awkwardly, we ate our pizza and hardly talked. "What do you guys want to do?!" Kaitlyn said, breaking the silence. 

Nobody said anything, until Bo said with a mouthfull of pizza, "Kacie, do you have any board games?!" I looked at him surprised, since I wasn't used to being talked to very often, and responded with a nod. "Well? What ones?!" 

"Agh, um, Battleship-" I started, before being cut off by Bo. 

"Nah, one we can all play."

"Okay, um, I have Clue I think. But I've never played it before so-" 

"What?!" They all said at me simultaneously. 

"What?" I laughed.

"You've never played Clue?" Hailey questioned.

"Nope. Never."

"Have you at least seen the movie?" Mayzie asked back.

"I've seen commercials for it?" 

"Alright. We're playing the game. And next time we all hang out we are going to watch it." 

"Jesus, okay. I'll go get it." I said, laughing as I stood up. 

I went into my brothers room, which was vacant becuase he was in college, and grabbed the board game from his closet. I came back out to where everyone was anticipating my return, they invited me back with applause. Game in hand, I took a bow and sat down in the group of friends and blankets. 

"So," I started. "I don't know what I'm doing so, you'll have to do this." I handed Bo the box. 

"Kacie!" Mayzie said. 

"What?!" I replied. 

"I know why you'd like to watch the movie." 

"Oh do you now?" 

"Your lover is in it!" 



"I think I knew that, that's why I knew it existed probably." Everyone but Bo laughed. 

"I don't get it." He said. "Who's Tim?" 

"Tim Curry, duh!" Kaitlyn said at him. 

"I don't think I know who that is..." 

Everyone looked at me, as I gave Bo the biggest glare anyone had ever recieved. "You..." 

"What?" He laughed. 

"How do you, the comic-movie-music-nerd of the century not know who Tim Curry is?" 

"I'm pretty bad with names. I probably do know who he is."

"Didn't you just say you saw Clue?"


"Oh..." There was a small silence, before Hailey grabbed the box to the game, opened it and dropped it on the floor in the middle of the circle of friends. 

"Let's play!" She said. 

They set up the game board as I sat back and watched. 

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" Bo said, looking over at me on top of the mound of blankets."

"You know it." I replied. He shook his head with a smile on his face as he looked back dowmn at the stack of cards in his hand. "Hey," I started, as most of them look over at me. I patted the blankets and then looked at it as I did. "Shouldn't we build the fort before we set up the game?" There was a pause, followed by groans. They grabbed the board and the cards and set them off to the side. We grabbed the blankets and did the same, and began setting up. Using every resourec we could find, we built a fort that took up the majority of my basement. It surrounded the pool table on all but one side (that was the entrance) and was tall enough that Bo could almost stand up. Blankets were thumb-tacked and taped to the ceiling and walls, and we could all agree that we never wanted to take it down. 

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