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Falling... Falling!... Falling? The wind was rushing through my hair as I free-falled. I don't exactly know how I got here, but all I knew was that I hated it. I stuck my arms out and managed to spin myself around so I was facing down. Bad idea..... The ground was a mere 300 feet away at this point. I tried to scream but I couldn't. I quickly grew closer to the ground until I was finally there. I hit with enough force to break through solid concrete and I jolted upward. I opened my eyes but it was dark. help. A warm hand quickly placed itself on my shoulder and I jumped again. A quiet tired voice called to me. "Kacie...? Are you okay?" familiar.

"Bo?" I said back, looking around but still seeing nothing. a small light emerged from my right and I looked over to see the light from a phone screen, and the ominous shadow of Bo's face. "Where am I? You're not Bo... you can't be." I said, shaking the hand off of my shoulder.

"Kacie, go back to sleep." It said back to me. I adjusted my sweatshirt and took a deep breath. What is up with these dreams? I leaned back and pulled the comforter back up to my face. I felt Bo's comforting hand inch closer to me and wrap around my stomach. I scooted closer to him and he nuzzled his face into my neck. I cracked a small smile, knowing that he was there for me, and I closed my eyes. the next half hour wasn't very pleasant, Bo had flipped around, taking most of the blanket with him, and I was left to look up into pure whiteness of his ceiling. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. A least it's not a school night. I got up and stretched. The clock next to his bed read 5:45. I sighed and grabbed the stool next to his piano, and pulled it over next to the window. The street lights were still on and there wasn't any motion other than the breeze blowing through the trees. A few snowflakes fell from the sky. First snow! I turned to tell Bo but I thought it would be best if I let him sleep. I sat and watched as more and more flakes began to fall.

I had dozed off for much longer than I thought, because eventually there was a loud, *Beep beep beep beep!* Bo stretched and rolled across his bed to turn his alarm off. He rolled onto his side and looked over at me (who was looking at him) and winked at me. I giggled and he said, groggily, "Good morning. how'd you sleep?"

I stood up and walked over to the bed, setting myself down next to him. "Not too great... It snowed!"

"It's 7:00, calm down. Since when are you a morning person? And since when do you like snow??"
"I've been up since my dream.... I've had plenty of time to change my mind. Also, there was nothing else to do, so..."

"Why didn't you go back to sleep?" He asked me, rolling onto his stomach and propping himself up on his elbows.

"I tried.... believe me... I just couldn't. So I sat by the window and I dozed off for over an hour just watching the snow... But I don't feel tired so I don't think I did any harm."

He flopped back down and rolled on his back and placed his head on my lap. "What do you want to do today? Saturdays are always up for grabs."

"Grabs, Huh?" I said.

"Yeah. Wh-" I cut him off by placing my hand on his face.

"GrAbS." I said.

He licked my hand and I pulled it away from his face. "I am not Saturday."

I laughed and he sat up, pushing the blankets off of him and going to his closet to grab a T-shirt. He slid it over his pale body and walked back over to the bed, grabbing his wire-frame glasses from his bedside table and putting them over his eyes. He ruffled his hair and let out a sigh. "I'll rephrase. What would you like to do today?"

I groaned. "I dont knooooooow..." I flopped onto my back. He quickly went over to me and planted a small kiss on my lips. I smiled and sat back up. "We could go to a movie?"

"This is your day off of work... Let's stay away from there."

"Good point... We could go rollerskating."

"Eh... you know I'm a clutz."

"Fine. Let's just go on a mini road trip then! I don't know!"


"Wait, what?"

"Yeah! Let's do it. I just got paid so we can fill up on Gas and go somewhere!"

"A-alright. Where do you want to go?"

"Boston is only an hour away..."

"I haven't been to Boston in like 6 years."

"Even more perfect! Let's do it. Go get ready and we'll get a full day in."

"You're serious?"


"Okay!" I said. I stood up and almost fell. Bo laughed at me but I still strode proudly over to my backpack. I pulled out my pair of high waisted black jeans and my orange sweatshirt. I quickly pulled out clean underwear and stuffed it into my sweatshirt so he wouldn't see it. I also pulled out my hairbrush and ran it through my snarled hair, until I finally made it to the bathroom. I turned the water on and stretched, making a Nasty face when I saw my reflection. Gross. Bo hates when I call myself ugly... so I usually refrained when he was around. Joke or not. I hopped in the enclosed area and let the warm water rush over me. I washed my hair and shaved most of my legs (only because my jeans had rips in them). I got out, put on my clothes and wrapped my hair in a light towel. Even though my hair didn't go past my shoulders, I liked for it to be out of my way. I walked out, only to see Bo's pasty legs. "Ah! I'm sorry!" I said, turning away. He fell over and laughed.

"It's okay. Sorry my whiteness scared you."

"Not that. You know I know you're pale. I just didn't want to invade your privacy..."

"Since WhEn has that been an issue? You can turn around. I'm wearing pants now."

I turned around and looked down at my feet, feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry.."

"Don't be! It's fine." He came over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too..." I said back. "And too bad. I will be sorry."

Oh Bo. (Bo Burnham Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat