Another Update (This One is Actually a Chapter)

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A few years went by. It got to Senior year. Bo was the best thing that happened to me. He really widened my horizons on a lot of different things.He even got me into lesser known comedians,musicals, and a lot of other things I had no idea I would enjoy. It was fair to say that I loved him and I was 99% sure he loved me too. Senior year came around and since he had a car, he visited me almost every day after school. We still hadn't done... that thing high schoolers do, but it was mostly because it didn't really appeal to either of us. I continued to get closer to him evry day and he never failed to amaze me. 

Sure, high school was shitty, but what was I supposed to expect?  Not everything could be perfect. My grades were better than I thought they would be... better, meaning I wasn't failing. Bo, however, was in the top 10% in his class, and he loved bragging about it. The plus side to having a boyfriend that was funny and smart is that he could help me with stuff and make it semi-enjoyable.

And yes, I'm still friends with all of the original people. It might shock some people considering a lot of relationships in High School end due to drama, but the relationships I had with my friends were different apparently. My family slowly grew more unstable, but honestly it wasn't that surprising. Seniour year was just like any other year, but since my friends all wanted to go to college and I had no interest in it, I was the only person that had hardly any homework. My government class was kicking my ass also, but only because I couldn't care less about politics and government positions. I had a part time job at the movie theatre next to my house, and was making money (but not much). The job was flexible and gave me every other weekend off, which was my chance to hang out with friends. Another thing that was good at working at the theatre is that I got unlimited popcorn and the advertising posters were up for grabs once they were out of the building. 

I really wish that my life was more exciting than it actually is, but I'm going to be 100% honest, I don't do anything, I'm not good at anything, and I have no motivation to do better at anything. So the most exciting thing I have to talk about anymore is the stupid unnecessary drama that happen much more often than it should. Even some of that is too personal to talk about... But something really cool did happen around Christmas of Senior year, but it wasn't my cool thing... It was Bo's


Okay. so. it took me way too long to write that little part... BUT I'm going to try my hardest to write a huge chapter next, but definitely in less time than this took :3333

I honestly hate myself but you know what? It's fine. Whatever. 

Again, sorry for taking so long.

-P&B :( 

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