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Okay, so... Chapter 10 update.

It's almost done, and it is where the romance is going to start. But. I have never written anything romantic like this, and there is no way to avoid the cheesy-ness that will occur. 

I have given up on the idea of avoiding the predictable, cliche elements of romance, and will push through it, no matter how annoyed it will make me in the end. Regardless, since is the closest I will ever get to doing anything romantic for a while, I will make it as ideal to my own tastes, while still trying to relate to other people's wants and needs. 

I'm going to try to have the new chapter up within the week, and I'm excited to see where my brain will take me. 

Thanks for being patient! 

-P&B   \(^w^)/

(I'm also going to start putting gifs/pictures on each chapter <3 ) 


Oh Bo. (Bo Burnham Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora