Love Can Make Us Suck Less

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I woke up feeling very well rested. Ever since Bo came back into my life, it has been the happiest time I've had in a while. I stretched as I flopped over and looked at my clock. 6:01. Perfect. My mom opened my door, and startled, I said "I'm up."

"Alright. Buggings is in. I'm gonna shower."

"Okay." I replied, as my door closed. I felt a pressure on my feet as Bug jumped up onto my bed, making her way through the swamp of blankets. I extended my arm to pet her, and she followed through by rubbing her fluffy head on my barely awake hand.

I pet her for a few minutes, until it was 6:05, which is when I proceeded to get out of the warm comfort of my bed, and out into the bitter cold of my room. I grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and a red flannel from my unorganized drawers, and after getting dressed, I made my way through the rest of the house, preparing for the Hell that is school.

I usually cannot sleep on any kind of vehicle, but last night must have been pretty sleepless,because I fell asleep with almost no effort. I woke up with a nudge, as my friend Ryan, who was a grade above me tapped my shoulder. I looked out the window and saw that we had arrived at the school already. Freshmen got their own school, he got off the bus before me. Once the space next to me was empty, I sprawled out, and dozed off again. Upon realizing I was, I sat up and slung my pin-covered backpack over my shoulder, so I couldn't lean back and sleep.

I put my stuff in my locker and made my way down to the library to hang out with my friends before classes started.

I set the stuff down on the table with a loud smack. Kaitlyn turned around and greeted me with a "Hoi." I let out a half-assed smile and plopped down on the floor, since there was never a chair saved for me. I didn't really care though; the floor made me feel safer. I sat there for a few miuntes in silence, until MAyzie started talking to me.

"So... How's Bo-J?" 

"I'm not conjoined to him... I don't know." I replied back. She let out a fake smile. "Sorry..." I looked up and saw everyone at the table looking at me. "I was ina  really good mood earlier, I guess I just had one of those stupid teenage mood swings." I let out a nervous laugh, and they all smiled and turned back to the rest of the table. I stood up and grabbed my stuff. "I'm just gonna go, I'm ruining everything." 

I turned and walked away, and I could here them calling my name. I just kept going and made my way toward my class. 

Kaitlyn caught up to me, and placed her hands on my shoulder. "What's up?" 

I shrugged her hands off of my shoulder, and replied with "I don't know. Just not as happy as I thought I was going to be." 

"Okee." She said. She continued. We walked a little more after I dropped my stuff off in my stupid classroom, with my stupid teacher. 

We had some interesting subjects come up, but there was one in particular that struck my interest. "So, What are you gonna do for Homecoming?" Homecoming? 

"Um... I'm not sure. Probably go with you guys." 

"Why not Boseph?" 

"Because... He's already probably going to go with Sean and stuff. I'm not gonna stop him from having fun with his friends."

"What if he asks you?" 

"He's pretty shy... I don't know if he's going to do that." 

"You never know." 

"I guess so." 

"So... This weekend do you wanna come with us to look for dresses?" 

"Sure. Who's us?" 

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