Chapter 9

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Dad and I were walking towards the end of the hallway, approaching the wonderful garden where Lucas and all the guests were anxiously waiting for me to come out. The day was gorgeous, sunny and pleasant, just as I have always imagined it would be when I started walking down the aisle. As I heard the wedding march, my stomach started to turn. It wasn't as pleasant a feeling as I have thought it would be. Somehow it felt like I wasn't doing the right thing. Dad glanced at me as we were stepping out of the hallway into the garden and I squeezed his arm a bit tighter, as if I didn't want him to let me go. He just smiled and rubbed his hand over mine.

We were moving slowly and as we laid our feet over the flowers tossed to the ground, my eyes flew to the right, spotting a tall blonde gentleman that looked completely taken a back by me. That was the moment when my heart skipped a beat. I was barely able to control my emotions and stop myself from smiling or even worse, fainting.

I walked pass my mom that was already crying like a baby, looking proudly at me. I sent her an air kiss, kissed my dad and stood across Lucas who was completely astounded by the way I looked. We took each other's hands and his face immediately lighted up. I on the other hand couldn't have been more cold-hearted. I glanced to Jared's direction once, wanting to end this wedding as soon as possible. The minister started the ceremony and my anticipation grew stronger.

Is it possible that I'm actually thinking about running away from my own wedding? Well, that was the only thought on my mind. I was more certain than ever that I couldn't possibly marry Lucas. The minister went through the first part of the ceremony and said "If anyone objects to this marriage, let them speak now or forever hold their peace".

That was it. My escape. The minister barely had the chance to finish the sentence when I spoke my mind.

"I do, " I said and looked at Lucas. He just laughed and shook his head.

"Not now honey," he said through a smile, and all the guests laughed thinking I was too eager to say the big words.

"No. I object," I said and Lucas's pupils instantly dilated from surprise.

"You what? How could you...Nicole..." he was shocked. No words could come out of his mouth, whereas I couldn't have waited to speak any longer or I would have combust.

"I'm so sorry, Lucas, but I can't marry you."

He was devastated. I thought for sure he was gonna burst into tears right then and there. All the guests gasped, and I heard my mother's surprise, as she was the loudest among all of them. She just said my name, not believing what she heard, and I can't even describe how my dad looked. The mixture of shock and disappointment written all over his face. I've never seen him so hurt in my life. I just made a sad face, tapped Lucas's shoulder and said I was sorry one more time, as I started running towards the parking lot. All the guests immediately rose up as I ran pass them, and they started murmuring between themselves.

I ran out of the garden straight to my car, and as I buckled up I heard the door open. It was Jared, coming inside with me.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing," he asked me unable to control his excitement and satisfaction that I wasn't able to go on with the wedding.

"You were right, I don't love him. I don't know what I was thinking, planning everything till the very end," I said and took off my veil tossing it to the back seat.

"So, now what?" Jared asked.

"Now, we run away. Together. If you're up for it," I suggested and Jared came closer to kiss me, giving me a clear response.

"Drive to my place. Nobody will find you there, and tomorrow we can fly anywhere you want. "

Luckily, I have had all the essentials already packed for the honeymoon trip, and I was literally ready for flying anywhere with Jared. We headed from Malibu to his house in the Hollywood Hills. As we were driving, I kept thinking about the mess I've just made and my phone kept ringing off the hook. I ignored it through the entire drive because I wouldn't be able to explain anything to whomever was on the other side of the line. This little adventure that Jared and I started was never supposed to go so far, but it went even farther.

We came to his house ready to collect our thoughts. Once we entered the living room, I heard someone almost choking. It was Shannon. He saw me in a wedding dress walking alongside Jared, so God only knows what went through Shannon's mind and he almost suffocated in his coffee.

"Don't worry bro, it's not what you think," Jared instantly tried to calm Shannon down.

"I sure hope it isn't," Shannon said leaving the mug on the coffee table, standing up to greet me.

"What are you doing here, anyway," Jared asked as he went to the kitchen to bring him and me some coffee, "This is my brother Shannon, by the way."

"You're supposed to fly to Italy tomorrow, so I came to wish you a safe flight. Hi, nice to meet you..."

"Nicole. Nice to meet you too," I said and approached Shannon to shake hands with him.

"Umm, Italy?" I was surprised by this.

"Yeah, it's Milan fashion week and I always attend the show," Jared came bringing the coffee.

"So, what happened?" Shannon pointed to my dress and me.

"I ran away from my own wedding," I just blurred it out.

"Runaway bride, huh," Shannon said and chuckled, "And you chose this dork, over your fiancé?"

"Something like that," I said and sat down, leaning back to rest my head on the back of the couch.

"Bold move, Nicole," Shannon sipped a bit of his coffee and looked at Jared as he was coming back from the kitchen.

Jared sat next to me, rubbed my knee and gave me a mug.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm not really sure. Everything happened so fast, I just..." I said and huffed, taking a sip of coffee and staring in it for a while to try to collect my thoughts.

"I'm gonna leave the two of you to talk it out. Have a safe flight bro, and I'll see you when you come back." Shannon said and hugged Jared.

"Thanks, see you later," Jared came back to sit next to me.

"I can't believe I actually ran away," I said shaking my head and putting a mug on the coffee table. I leaned forward resting my arms on my knees, as I buried my face in my hands.

"Hey, hey, you did the right thing," Jared rubbed my back, trying to console me, "We're in this together, and you shouldn't worry about anything."

I looked him in the eyes and hugged him tight. I felt him squeezing me tighter, and that's all I needed right now. That moment when you hug someone, and they hug you back just a bit harder, letting you know they never want to let you go. This was the first time Jared and I actually shared a moment of true connection and intimacy. From all the passion and lust that we were consumed by in the previous weeks, I didn't really realized he actually cared about me on a completely new level. Now I was certain I made the right choice.

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