Chapter 19

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Nicole's POV

A new day has come. I felt surprisingly good after sleeping for almost 9 hours. My head was a lot clearer, and I was starting to believe that I had made a huge mistake by pushing Jared away the way I did it. Sipping my first cup of coffee, I took my phone to call him, and hopefully talk to him. After a few rings, the voice mail answered and my heart sank. It was possible he was asleep since it was only 6 in the morning, but it's also probable that he's angry with me for the way I acted. It's better if I just leave it alone for a little bit. Both Jared and I were stressed out, and we could use some space. Everything had happened so rapidly between us that it was high time we slowed down.

After I have hung up, I saw 10 missed calls from Maya and just as much messages on my voice mail

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After I have hung up, I saw 10 missed calls from Maya and just as much messages on my voice mail. She was trying to apologize, and wanted us to talk so she could explain everything, but I wasn't going to give her the chance. What I wanted more was to confront Lucas, but I wished I hadn't burst out at Maya the way I did. I would like much more to see if Lucas would confess to cheating on me, but Maya had probably told him that now I know everything, so all he could actually do was to admit without any hesitation. Come to think of it, it's strange that Lucas didn't call me at all. Knowing him, I should've had the call the day before, but apparently he didn't have any intention of justifying his actions.

I came to the office and once again, Lucas and I ran into each other. I saw him and thought he would want to talk but instead, he just nodded and passed by me. I was confused and slightly shocked. The man literally wanted to beat the crap out of Jared for taking me away, swearing that he loved me, and making me feel bad about leaving him at the altar, when he was the one to cheat and make a fool out of me.

"Lucas?" I said angrily.

He stopped, turned towards me, and raised his eyebrows, "Yes?" he asked in wonder.

"Don't you have something to tell me?"

"Not really," he was shameless.

I just nodded, "Oh, OK," I said sarcastically and he just went away. I felt the urge to go after him, slap him in the face, and channel all my frustration towards him, but my phone stopped me. Saved by the bell, the bell called Maya. Again. Once again, I just ignored the call, and by the time I looked up Lucas was already gone. Who was that man, anyway? Is it possible that I haven't seen how big of an idiot he actually was? He never treated me this way, and now that he's actually the one who's been going behind my back he acted as if I'm the only person to blame. I didn't know if I felt more furious or disappointed, or just empty. I wish I could have talked to Jared, he always knew how to calm me down.

However, Jared wasn't there and I was so furious that I needed to take it out on someone, so I called Maya. She wanted to talk to me so desperately, so I was going to give her a piece of my mind.

"Listen, bitch, I have no intention of letting you explain anything. So stop, fucking, calling me!"

"But Nicole, I really..." she tired to say but I cut her off.

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