Chapter 24

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Before I stepped inside my office, my assistant Alisa said that the client was already inside, and waiting for the last fifteen minutes. I took a deep breath and opened the door, hoping I'd be able to explain everything to the client and keep them in company.

"Good morning," I said opening the door, and a man was sitting in the chair in front of my desk, "I am so sorry for this slight delay, I am glad you are still here, and this will never happen again. I am very punctual all the time, but today was just..." before I could finish my sentence, I approached the desk only to be shocked at what I saw.

"I know I used to be late for 45 minutes, but this is business, Nicole. We must keep it serious around the office, right?" Nathan said with a sly smile on his face and my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

"Oh my God you're back," I said jumping in his arms because I haven't seen him in more than two years.

"Well, you and my mom are the only ones who know I'm back, because I flew back from Australia just yesterday. I'm trying to stay low key before I throw a massive welcome back party," Nathan said and we both sat down. I ordered us coffee and scotch because this needed a special kind of toast.

"I still can't believe you're really here. I mean, after you just left for Australia out of the blue, I didn't think you'd be back," I said still trembling from excitement.

"I know," he said obviously ashamed he had just packed his bags two years ago and jumped on a flight to Sydney, only letting his mom know he was leaving.

"I was so mad at you. I cried for days, then I was angry for days, wanted to call you and text you so many angry messages, but I decided to cool off and call you when I felt more calm. Truth be told, I'm glad that's what I did, otherwise we wouldn't be sitting here like this," I said and we both chuckled after recalling how the call went on.

Two years earlier

"He just left. Can you believe that? That jerk just packed his bags and caught the first flight to Sydney without telling anyone about it. I want to slap his face and beat the crap out of him," I was telling this to Maya while we were having coffee at her place.

"Why do you think he did it? Has he ever mentioned he wanted to leave LA?" Maya asked me.

"No, never. Well, I mean... you know how we all feel like we're not going anywhere, and that our lives are just on pause or something...", I asked and Maya nodded feeling exactly like that as she wasn't so happy with her job or her love life. "Well, he mentioned that he felt like that a few times, but you know how he was always full of business ideas and plans. I mean, it's Nathan. If anyone had a plan for the future, he did. And more than one, in case the first didn't work out." We both chuckled, remembering just how many times he had started a venture only to quit at the first bump on the road.

A few weeks later when all the anger and frustration finally settled down, I decided it was time for Nathan and I to talk, so I called him on Skype. My heart was thumping and my palms were sweating, but I knew we needed to have this conversation or we would never speak again in our life.

After the Skype rang a few times Nathan finally picked up.

"Hey," he said after seeing my face on the screen and I could tell he was incredibly uncomfortable.

"Hi fugitive," I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"I know, I screwed up... but"

"You screwed up BIG TIME," I couldn't help but cut him off.

"You're right, but I can explain," Nathan said and I nodded, but I wasn't at all convinced at what he was saying.

"I just had an epiphany, and something in me snapped. I knew that unless I left when I did, my life would just turn into an even bigger mess, and I couldn't take it anymore. So, I accepted this offer here, and it's going great so far."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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