Chapter 13

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Jared's POV

"Are you OK?" Emma came to me as she saw me sitting on the floor, leaning my back against the bed.

"I'm a little confused..." I said staring at a single dot, barely blinking.

"Yeah, I bet," she sat next to me, trying to think that's how I could feel after all of this .

"No... not about the situation, but about Mikaela," I said and tapped my fingers against my chin, trying to put all the pieces together.

"What about her?"

"Her behaviour, her attitude, the way she approached me and everything... she seemed like an entirely different person," I looked at Emma and she was even more confused than I was.

"OK..." she said as if she thought I was going crazy.

"Plus, I could've sworn I saw this article on Twitter about the UNICEF's mission in Africa, where she participated. She was always majorly involved with philanthropy and she even told me she was supposed to go to Africa sometime in January."

"Well, maybe she came back after she found out that she was pregnant," Emma tried to make things more clear, but they became only more perplexed.

"Yeah, probably... I don't know,." I got off the floor and headed back to my room, "I should go back, Nicole's gonna get worried."

"See you in a couple of hours," Emma said, and I just waved while I was walking towards the door.

Nicole's POV

Paris. The city of lights. It's just as I've always imagined it to be. Romantic, beautiful and welcoming. It's really the most amazing place to be at, with that one special person in your life. I was so happy that I got the chance to visit Paris exactly with Jared. We arrived around 2 p.m. and took the time to walk down the streets and see a bit of this gorgeous city before we headed out to Balmain's fashion show. I was so excited to finally be in the center of fashion event, given that I've always loved fashion but never managed to be a part of anything like this. Paris Fashion Week was one of the biggest fashion events of the year, and I had the honor to be Jared's companion to this fabulous occasion.

Paparazzi caught us a couple of times while we were strolling down the city, but we couldn't care much. We were already all over the Internet and beating ourselves over it would only make this trip torturous, which was the last thing we needed. We went to see the Eiffel Tower and it was even more glorious than I had imagined. Just standing up there with Jared appeared as if I was on top of the world.

Having his arms wrapped around my body, holding me so tightly, and his head resting on my shoulder while I could sense him breathing in the scent of my hair made me feel secure, protected, and loved. Yes, I truly felt like Jared loved me. I couldn't bear to utter those words this soon, but the way he cared about me these days made me question everything I've been thinking about him that time we had a fight, before my wedding. Now, I was almost entirely sure he loved me as much as I loved him. I just wish our happiness will last, but that little jittery feeling in my stomach still sent signals that something was about to burst our little bubble of joy.

"Are you cold?" Jared squeezed me tight against his chest as I was enjoying his embrace and the fascinating view of Paris.

"How could I ever be cold in your arms?" I pressed Jared's arms tightly with my hands, leaning my back and my head on his chest as his face gently touched my cheek. I loved how his skin felt against mine, even if it was just this tiny portion of his face. We remained like this for a couple of minutes, just forgetting about all the worries and troubles, just pretending it was only the two of us in this entire world.

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