Chapter 14

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Nicole's POV

Tears ran over my face as I was sprinting through a hallway to catch the elevator before the door closed, hoping Jared wouldn't catch me. All I wanted was to disappear from that place and stay by myself. Luckily, the elevator door shut before Jared managed to enter inside. I sobbed and cried, feeling so betrayed and hurt I thought my heart was gonna crack at that very second. I couldn't catch my breath and at one moment I felt like I was about to pass out. The elevator door opened and I ran outside rushing back to our room to pack and leave immediately.

The second I walked inside, I reached for my suitcase piling up my clothes messily, not caring about anything but getting out of there. Not long after, Jared was knocking on the door loudly.

"Nicole, open up!"

I just sniffled and packed the rest of my stuff not having any intention of answering him. He was more persistent than I hoped he would be.

"Nicole, I'm not moving until you let me explain everything!"

I knew Jared would do everything in his power to make me listen to him, but I was determined to get away from him that instant. Nothing that he could have possibly said at that moment would convince me he was innocent.

"Go away, Jared! I don't want to talk to you or see you, ever again!" I yelled hysterically.

"No! You have to let me explain. I deserve that much!"

"Forget it. Just leave!"

"You know I won't move until you open this door!"

I packed all my clothes, picked up the cosmetic bag from bathroom, zipped up the suitcase, took my coat, and headed outside the room. My eyes were all red and puffy, but I managed to stop the tears since now I was more infuriated than I was sad.

I opened the door only to see Jared leaning with both hands on the door, looking down at the floor and breathing rapidly. He lifted his head and his eyes sparkled immediately as he probably thought I wanted to hear him out.

"Baby..." he paused once he saw me with my luggage, "Wha... you can't leave," he said desperately.

"I can and I am. So please, let me pass without any further discussion," I couldn't even look him in the eye, so I kept staring over his shoulder at the door behind him.

"No. We need to talk."

"There's nothing for us to talk about. I'm leaving and you're letting me go, or I swear to God I'll scream like someone's strangling me to death." I said with eyes full of hatred and disappointment.

"No! You will listen to me!" He said and grabbed me. We both started to breathe heavily, not breaking the eye contact.

"Let. Go. This instant," I said with low voice determined to start screaming if he doesn't loose his grip.

"That's not my child. I'm not..." I didn't let him finish, I started to scream which terrified him, and he let go of me immediately, stepping back and away from me.

"What the fuck!" He was in shock, so he released me and I was still infuriated.

"I warned you," I grabbed my luggage and passed by him rapidly, walking towards the elevator.

"You're crazy. Why won't you give me a chance to clear things out? I'm not the father and ... "

"Just stop. I don't need to hear your lies and I'm definitely not gonna let you act around. Goodbye, Jared," I said and entered the elevator not even looking at him. As the door shut I burst into tears sobbing, wishing all of this was just a nightmare. Putting my shades on, I managed to calm myself down a bit before I hit the lobby, not wanting anyone to suspect anything. All the staff was very well informed about who Jared had in his apartment, and the news about him molesting his girlfriend could spread out insanely fast, so I just walked out of the elevator, straight to the lobby and out of the hotel.

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