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My family is great, really, we love each other, we support each other and we lie constantly to keep up appearances. My parents are a perfect couple; they seriously love each other. But, they are very close-minded. There is a right way to live and a wrong way. My sister was the first to choose the wrong path. It started with her first boyfriend who was a drug dealer, which I honestly think she only dated to piss off our parents.

Thankfully they didn't last long and my parents pushed some Christian boy on her. She had fun with him but not in an acceptable way according to my parents. I thought it was pretty funny though. His parents still don't talk to ours because of how she changed him. He ended up becoming a hooligan by running off to live with his band in a beat up old van while touring the country.

I was jealous when he left because it sounded like true freedom, a freedom that I'd never have. My sister calmed down a lot after him but she still liked to push my parents more than any kid should. One night in particular was bad because she had come home drunk, with blue hair, and a tattoo. It was a small butterfly on her inner wrist but it killed my parents. They had raised her to be a good girl, their good little girl and then she was a monstrosity.

It took months for them to start talking again which made for a very awkward home life. Izzy finally died her hair back to the blonde that it had been before and my parents learned to accept her tattoo. They made a deal, she wouldn't do anything else like that as long as she was home and they wouldn't lecture her about it.

My sister was my hero, she stood up for herself and she got what she wanted. But, I was angry too because how could I stand up for myself after that? I was pretty sure families only were allowed one rebel kid. She hadn't even given me a chance, but that was okay because I'd eventually find a way to tell my secret. But until then I kept quiet and kept my parents happy. It wasn't too hard because they really were good people when they weren't judging you.

A/N Just so you know I made Izzy older because really to me she's always seemed like the older sibling. 

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