The Place Where Love Goes to Die

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A/N I'm sorry that I suck at updating! I'll try to keep it updated more, promise. But just remember that I suck so don't expect too much haha.

School, the place I definitely didn't want to be going to. Especially after the kiss of my life with Magnus. Why was I doing it then? Because it just so happens that Magnus will be there.

"What the hell is that?" Jace asked with a snort of laughter at my brightly colored frappaccino.

"I have no fucking clue." I laughed and held it out to him. "It's delicious though. Try it."

Jace eyed it suspiciously before taking a drink. "That is amazing."

"It's called a unicorn frappaccino." I told him and took it back. "Magnus picked it out for me."

"He made the decision for you?" Jace opened the door and I followed him outside. "He's perfect for you."

I glanced back at Magnus and he winked before taking an older lady's order. "He's perfect in general."

Jace and I drove to school in comfortable silence until we got to the gates. My heart raced and my stomach churned as I saw kids running around. I hated people but teenagers were worse especially at school. I could say that because I was one of them.

"So, what are you going to do about Magnus?" Jace asked. His question caught me off guard.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well, are you going to like date him or is it strictly an out of school and public view type of thing?"

"Um, I don't know?"

"Well you better figure it out becuase the guys are going to have a lot of opinions and I want to prepare for kicking some asses if I'm going to have to."

"Do you think they'd hate me?"

Jace parked and looked at me completely serious. "If they say anything even somewhat dickish, I'll destroy them. All you need to worry about is you. If you're ready to be out then go for it and let me take care of the aftermath. But if you're not ready then that's perfectly fine too."

"Wow, you sound like Iz." I chuckled. "But thank you."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now, we better get to homeroom before the bell. I want to get a seat next to a hot girl." Jace smirked and jumped out.

I was hit with a ping of jealousy. I wished that I could be strong and so sure of myself that I could be like Jace, but sadly I was more of a hide under a rock type of person. I generally didn't do things, things happened to me.

"Hey alec!" Magnus waved and from behind him I saw a guy from the team look between us with a cocked eyebrow.

I turned away pretending that I didn't see him and hurried after Jace. "Do you think mr. Hodge will still have his Hawk?"

"I'd be more surprised if it wasn't here." Jace said as we walked into the building. "Are we going to talk about how you already blew off Magnus?"


"Okay, whatever. Just remember that he's a person too. I may hate him but he doesn't deserve to be treated like Simon." Jace patted my shoulder. "Of course Simon doesn't deserve to be treated like Simon. Poor guy."

"Simon has his comics and band. He'll be fine." I point out as we walk into our class and take out seats.

I watch the door like a hawk, hoping to see Magnus while praying he doesn't walk by. Then, he's there; taking up the whole doorway with his presence. He is all I can see and my blood rushes waiting for him to do something. But to my surprise he silently sits down across the room from me without making eye contact. It's as if we're strangers and my heart sinks. That's probably how you made him feel when you walked away.

"Class, settle down!" Mrs. Dot called out and waited for the class to quiet before continuing. "Looks like we have a new student."

"Yeah." Magnus stood up with a flourish of his long short sleeved jacket. "I'm Magnus Bane."

"Welcome." Mrs. Dot looked at the class and we chimed in with her.

"Great, how about we have someone help show Magnus around." Mrs. Dot looked around the class and zeroed in on Simon.

"I will." I said before even realizing that I had stood up.

"Wonderful." Mrs. Dot nodded a thank you.

Magnus looked over at me and I gave him a half smile.

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