Your Move

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"Morning honey how was your date?" My mom ruffled my hair before going back to the stove to flip the pancakes that she was cooking for breakfast. She always made them for Monday morning. It had been impossible to sleep after getting back. Jace had covered for me, saying that I was sleeping over at his place. So when I got home, instead of them confronting me, my parents were acting normal. I was going to tell them the truth, but then Izzy called and it got put on hold. And all of Sunday I was busy getting caught up on homework and family time. They were just too happy for me to say it.

"Date?" I asked her. Did she already know?

"Jace said that you were going on a date. Sorry, he told me to keep it a secret, but I was so excited." She winked at me. Relief washed over me. She knew, she already knew, and she didn't care. I'd have to kill Jace for telling her still, but at least she knew now.

"It was fine," I said as a smile broke out across my face. 

"Just fine? Come on Alec give me some details. This was your first date." She brought the pancakes, eggs, and bacon over before taking a seat across from me. 

"Well, Mag-" I started to say when she cut me off.

"Maggie? Ruth's girl? She's cute." She looked so happy as my heart sank. She didn't actually know. I took a deep breath; it was the moment of truth. I was about to tell her something that I could never take back and she'd probably hate me for it. I had promised Magnus.

"Well, Mag," I paused, unable to say the rest of his name. "Mag was great. We went for a hike and had a picnic up in the mountains." I said instead of what I was really going to say. I just couldn't get myself to do it. I hoped she would drop the subject. I really didn't feel like talking to her about my dating life. She had been difficult enough with my older sister. She had been the reason for my sister's many breakups and screw-ups. She pushed Izzy to the edge and well my sister had always been a drama queen. Thankfully now that she was at college she was a lot better. We talked still every day and she was the only person who I knew would be okay with my choices.

"Are we talking about the date?" My dad asked as he sauntered in already dressed for work.

"No." I answered as Mom said, "yes."

"Great. Let's hear it." He sat down and filled his plate before covering it all in syrup. He really should have been fatter based on how he ate, but we had been a family blessed with good genes. I looked just like my dad except for my eyes; dark, thick hair, long eyelashes, and blue eyes.

"I have to get to school." I shrugged and stood up.

"Well fine, but let us just say that we're so happy for you." He said through a bite of pancakes.

My mom squeezed my hand before I could get away from the table. "Yes, we are sweetie. Honestly, we had been worried that you were gay, we're so glad that you're not. You'll be so much happier. Maggie sure is lucky."

"Mom, Mag-" I found my strength and finally tried to correct her, but my dad interrupted.

"Is a great girl? Yes, we're sure she is. I'm just so proud of you for finally putting yourself out there." My dad offered up and I grabbed my backpack from the floor.

"Sure," I said instead of telling them what I had planned to say which was that Magnus was a guy and that I was gay. But how could I now? They were so happy that I wasn't. They were actually proud of me for the first time in my life. I just couldn't do it.

"What did your parents say about us?" Magnus asked when I got to school. He was leaning against his motorcycle waiting for me. He looked perfect with his dark jeans, white shirt, leather jacket, and windswept black hair. His golden eyes pierced me with their stare.

"They were happy," I responded without going further into it.

"Really?" He slung his backpack over his shoulder. "You said they were against our lifestyle."

"They are," I answered honestly and tried to walk faster. Magnus grabbed my arm but when I saw Jace look at us I pulled my arm out of his grasp and turned towards the side of the school building.

"What was that about?" Magnus asked, hurt, as I was practically running away from him. "I know we want to be chill at school but we can still be seen together even just as friends."

"Of course," I hissed at him finally facing him but looking behind him to make sure no one could see us.

"Then why are you acting like this?" Then he ran his fingers through his hair. "Shit! You didn't tell them did you?"

His voice echoed probably only in my own head but it still made me jump. "Keep your voice down."

"Yeah fucking right." He hit the brick wall. "You know how I feel about lying. I knew you wouldn't, deep down, but I'll admit I honestly wanted to believe you so badly."

"It's not like you've announced to the world that you're gay," I argued. It was true; the whole school thought he was the straightest guy alive. And all of the girls wanted him.

"That's different."

"How so?"

"Because they never have asked me straight out."

"That's bull shit and you know it."

"Fine." He grabbed my face and kissed me with such force that I tripped back into the wall and he used that as leverage to get even closer to me. His tongue slid into my mouth just as a yelp tried to escape through my lips. It was silenced by his lips that were sliding against mine. I could already feel my lips swelling from the pressure and I had to admit it felt great. My hands went to his waist and I pulled at his shirt so that I could get my hands under it to touch his back. Then I hit his backpack and it was like a bucket of ice water was thrown on me. We were at school in the open! I pushed him away and he let me. He was panting just much as I was but I twisted my head to see if there was anyone around us. Had someone seen us?

"Your move, Alexander." He sauntered away and I watched him frozen. I heard a car horn but ignored it and all of the students around us as I chased after him. I wasn't sure what I was going to do until my hand grabbed his. He flipped around to face me, pain etched across his face, and I kissed him.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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